Mission Heights Junior College was host to the second in the series of Womens Changemakers Breakfasts on Tuesday morning.
Two highly inspiring women spoke to the audience of students, teachers and family. Tracey Moore, born in the UK and living and working in New Zealand since 2005, is passionate about the beauty of her adopted country, the heritage of Te Ao Maori and the diversity of Auckland. Her life has been spent serving and developing individuals and communities and her current role, General Manager Service Strategy and Integration at Auckland Council offers the opportunity to drive performance improvements that directly impact a positive customer experience, as well as developing people within council. Tracey is also Vice Chair of Auckland Regional Migrant Services has completed the Global Women Breakthrough Leaders programme.
Our second guest speaker, Keera Ofren, is President of Amnesty International Aotearoa NZ’s youth on Campus at the University of Auckland. Her 5 year journey with Amnesty and activism began in high school after learning about Amnesty in a social studies class. Since then, she’s made working towards a future of freedom and rights for the world her goal and main value. She is currently studying Law and Arts conjoint specialising in Politics and International Relations. Keera believes there are a great many misconceptions about Amnesty International but essentially it is ones’ duty to always question and ensure that the protection of human rights is at a reputable standard. Amnesty International’s recommendations are drafted specifically as steps that the nation in question can realistically follow. The job is that of a watchdog giving hope to the victims of human rights violations.