
Compulsory Fees

In November 2019, it was decided to accept the Ministry’s offer to opt in to the donations scheme which means parents are no longer requested to pay an annual voluntary donation of $250. This results in significant savings for parents as we are able to pass on some of the revenue to cover ID cards and printing, Yearbook, day-trips and outside speakers who visit the school to address the students. In the past, voluntary donations have been used for capital projects including ICT equipment, a policy we intend continuing.

In terms of the Guidelines, a fee will be requested for the following:

  • overnight trips (including the Year 7 Camp)
  • optional DEEP courses and extra-curricular activities
  • courses with a take home component including digital platforms

A device is also recommended for all students as much of our curriculum is delivered using digital technology which can be used at home or in school.

In order to maintain and enhance our high standards of innovative learning, additional resources are needed and as such, parents are requested to pay for the items listed below. These must be paid in full before the start of the academic year.

Online payments can be made via our portal by following this link;

Innovative Learning Initiatives, Year 7 and 8 
Curriculum Related Fees (includes take home components)$130.00
Digital Platforms (includes Education Perfect, Maths Buddy and Reading Plus)$100.00
Year 7 Camp$290.00
Innovative Learning Initiatives, Year 9 and 10 
Digital Platforms used at home and school (includes Education Perfect, Maths Buddy and Reading Plus)$90.00
Year 9 and 10 Subject Fees 
Learning with a take home component 
Art (ART)$70.00
Digital Technology (DGT), Fashion Design (FSD), Technology (TEC)$80.00 each
Food Technology (FOO),  Hospitality (HOS)$100.00 each
Media Studies (MED),  Design and Visual Communications (DVC)$50.00 each
Business (BUS), Media Studies (MED), Music (MUS)$25.00 each
Outdoor Education (OED) for Year 9$300.00
Outdoor Education (OED) for Year 10$400.00

Payments can be made by direct credit from home. Details are below:

Bank and Branch:ASB Botany
Account #:12-3233-0051320-000
Reference Details:

Student’s Full Name

Class e.g. 9C2

Reference e.g. DEEP