Winter Illness

A message to our community . . .

As we go through the winter season, we need to be careful about diseases like mumps. Mumps is a virus that spreads easily and causes painful swelling in the glands just below the ears. Symptoms also include fever, headache, muscle pain, feeling very tired, and not wanting to eat. Mumps spreads through tiny drops from coughing or sneezing, or by sharing saliva. It spreads quickly in places like schools and daycare centres. The best way to prevent mumps is with the MMR vaccine, which also protects against measles and rubella.

We recommend that your child has all their vaccinations up to date to help stop mumps from spreading. Knowing these symptoms and how to prevent mumps can help keep our children and community safe.

Anyone showing any of the above symptoms should not come to school and seek medical advice to confirm whether they have the virus.