All posts by Mission Heights Junior College


BYOD Device

In addition to the stationery requirements below, all year level students require a device that they can bring to school. We do not specify a particular device, but instead have some minimum specifications that the device must meet. You can read those specifications here; MHJC recommended devices.

Note: Should you anticipate any difficulty providing a device for your child, please communicate with your child’s Whānau Leader as soon as possible so an alternate plan can be provided.

MHJC Stationery List Year 7 & 8

  • 1 x 150mm Clear Ruler
  • 1 x 0.5mm 2H Pencil Leads Tube / 12
  • 1 x 0.5mm Graphite Mechanical Pencil
  • 1 x Pencil Sharpener
  • 1 x Full Size Coloured Pencils Pack / 12
  • 1 x Yellow Highlighter
  • 1 x 4B Pencil
  • 1 x 2B Pencil
  • 1 x HB Pencil
  • 1 x Plastic Eraser
  • 1 x Pencil Case
  • 1 x Glue Stick
  • 4 x Retractable, Blue Ballpoint Pen
  • 1 x Retractable, Black Ballpoint Pen
  • 3 x Retractable, Red Ballpoint Pen
  • 1 x A4 Lined Refill
  • 1 x Set of Ear Bud Earphones (for use only by teacher request)
  • 7 x 1B8 lined Exercise Books
  • 2 x 1E8 Exercise books for Science


  • 2 x 1E5 Quad 7mm, 36 Leaf Maths Exercise Book with margin
  • 1 x Maths Geometry set (Compass, Protractor, etc.)
  • 1 x Casio FX82 MS Scientific Calculator*

* Compulsory for all Year 7 students. Do not purchase if you already have a scientific calculator that is in good working order.

Visual Art

  • 1 x A4 standard art project sketchbook
  • 2 x 6B pencils

* We recommend the cheaper project books instead of expensive ones.

MHJC Stationery List Year 9 & 10

  • 1 x 150mm Clear Ruler
  • 1 x 0.5mm 2H Pencil Leads Tube / 12
  • 1 x 0.5mm Graphite Mechanical Pencil
  • 1 x Pencil Sharpener
  • 1 x Full Size Coloured Pencils Pack / 12
  • 1 x Yellow Highlighter
  • 1 x HB Pencil
  • 1 x Plastic Eraser
  • 1 x Pencil Case
  • 1 x Glue Stick
  • 4 x Retractable, Blue Ballpoint Pen
  • 1 x Retractable, Black Ballpoint Pen
  • 3 x Retractable, Red Ballpoint Pen
  • 1 x A4 Lined Refill
  • 1 x Set of Ear Bud Earphones (for use only by teacher request)
  • 7 x 1B8 lined Exercise Books
  • 2 x 1J8 Exercise book for Science


  • 1 x 1J8 Quad 5mm, 36 Leaf Maths Exercise Book
  • 1 x 1E5 Quad 7mm, 36 Leaf Maths Exercise Book with margin
  • 1 x Maths Geometry set (Compass, Protractor, etc.)
  • 1 x Casio FX82 MS Scientific Calculator*

* Scientific Calculator is recommended for all Year 9 & 10 students. Please do not purchase
one if you already have a scientific calculator that is in good working order.

Visual Art – Year 9 & 10 Option Art Students Only

  • 1 x A4 standard art project sketchbook
  • 2 x 6B pencils
  • We recommend the cheaper project books instead of expensive ones.

Design and Visual Communication Option Students Only

  • 1 x A3 Art Case – black plastic with clip fastener
  • 6 x HB Pencil 
  • 6 x 2H Pencil 
  • 5 x Plastic Eraser 
  • 1 x  Full Size Colored Pencils Pack /12

* Available to view in the graphics room. Only purchase if you do not have one already.

Bring Your Own Device

Below is some pertinent information for parents and students with regards to the school’s BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programme. This information will be updated regularly.

Recommended Devices

Our only requirements are that the device must have a keyboard for typing, have a minimum screen size of 11.6 inches and have a battery life of at least 4 hours. We are brand agnostic and do not recommend any brand over another.

It is advantageous for students to have a Mac or Windows laptop or a Chromebook which has a USB-A port due to the frequent use of software related to programming of digital microcontrollers such as the PicAxe or Microbit. We do not recommend iPads or Android tablets due to limitations inherent with their operating systems.

Windows computers should not be in S mode. S mode is a limited version of Windows that only allows the user to run applications installed from the Microsoft Store. We require users to run the Google Chrome web browser. This link shows you how to get out of S mode.

Parents are free to make their own choice regarding a specific device, supplier, insurance, after sales service and maintenance of the device. Examples of such suppliers are PB Tech, Noel Leeming or Harvey Norman.

To obtain a school discount when ordering online from PB Tech; Click on New Customer, enter your personal details, the membership key is MHJC and login with your credentials.

We also have an online portal with NXP which you can take advantage of.

MHJC uses Google Workspace and as such we do not provide Microsoft 365 licences.

Example Device Specifications

Laptop (Preferred)

  • Windows operating system (not S mode), SSD hard drive, 8GB RAM, touch screen and tablet mode (detachable / convertible keyboard)
  • Windows operating system (not S mode), SSD hard drive, 8GB RAM, standard laptop form factor
  • MacBook Pro or MacBook Air with 8GB RAM, running macOS


  • ChromeOS, 4GB RAM, 16GB SSD

Ideally students should have a robust and efficient device to ensure that it will stand up to the requirements of school use and so we have not considered the lowest cost machines.

None of the devices in the list above have low end specifications, and are therefore not the cheapest available. It will be advisable to discuss the specifications of any machine with your chosen provider who will assist you in your purchase decision.

Digital Citizenship

The Ministry of Education has created an excellent resource on Digital Citizenship. This resource is available at the link below;

BYOD Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of BYOD?

  • Anytime, anywhere access to class resources and support through Google Apps, MHJC Online and other cloud based applications.
  • The ability to create a personal digital portfolio of their own work using cloud based applications such as TinkerCAD and LucidChart

How does BYOD change education?

  • Increased engagement in the learning process as students become more active participants in their learning.
  • Greater ability to communicate with teachers and other students through access to student email.
  • The ability to draft, redraft and publish work.
  • Greater independence, collaboration with peers and personalised learning.
  • Improved critical thinking and development of multi-literacies.
  • Greater integration of technology and the use of digital learning tools that complement existing teaching programmes.
  • Improved innovation as the use of devices in the classroom evolves.

What device should I buy for my child? Why did you not mandate one device that all students would have?

We are brand agnostic and we recommend that all things being equal, parents purchase the most affordable device available. Our recommendations are listed in the Recommended Devices List below.

In addition, some of our students already have devices which they and their parents may wish to use. There is not one single device that is best for all students at all levels covering all subjects and activities – whatever we may have chosen would not be best suited for all students.

Exceptions are only granted in the following circumstances :-

a. ORS funded students

b. Student with existing assistive technologies mandated by the Ministry of Education.

Why can’t students use a phone?

Phones are well suited for communication tasks such as Whatsapp, voice calling and texting but ill-suited to heavy text, mind-mapping and spreadsheet data entry.

Why have you chosen all year levels for BYOD? Why can’t only Year 9s and 10s be enrolled into that program?

We have discovered that many of our students have BYOD programs in their previous schools. This is a natural continuation for them and they can continue using their device as they progress through the year levels in MHJC.

I’m concerned about cost. Shouldn’t devices be provided by the school?

While the school could maintain a 2:1 ratio, it does not have the resources for a 1:1 student to computer ratio.

Buying a device for your child is a major decision and a significant outlay. A good quality device should last Years 7 to 10 at school and so this cost is spread over 4 years.

All students need their own device rather than the use of a shared device. This is because MHJC is integrating device use into many aspects of teaching and learning and your investment in a device will enhance learning outcomes for all students.

Wouldn’t it be easier for teachers/students if there was only one device? Won’t it be too hard/impossible for teachers to make use of such a variety of different machines? If they had one machine, they would be able to teach the students how to use it more efficiently.

It would certainly be easier for most teachers. However, one device will not be able to accommodate all learning areas. It also might be too restrictive or demanding for some students and families.

We are also of the view that the specific device is not the issue at hand; it is the task of educating that is more important. If we are writing an essay or analysing a pattern trend, the focus is on the content and not the word processor or spreadsheet program.

 Can students charge their device in school?

Currently, we have limited facilities for the charging of personal devices in the school. Students are required to charge their devices fully the night before. Parents are also advised to procure suitable rechargeable power packs for their child’s devices.

Will the school repair the device if it breaks? Does the school provide loan machines for students whose devices are broken?

The school does not have any authorised personnel who can repair devices. It is advantageous to purchase the device from a provider who can offer advice, service, loan out machines, repair and lease options to go along with the purchase of the device.

May the students use 3G/4G in addition to WiFi?

The Student Cybersafety User Agreement requires students only to use the school provided wifi. This is a safe and monitored network. Students are not allowed to use their 3G/4G data plan while on campus.

When using their personal device, can the student’s internet activity be followed by the teacher?

Yes, when the student is on our BYOD network. If a teacher witnesses a student on a website outside the auspices of the AUP, the procedures in the AUP guideline will be followed.

Which is better, a laptop or a tablet?

Laptops are generally larger, less portable, have lower battery life, built-in keyboard, but have a full operating system and more specialised functionality for advanced activities.

Tablets are generally more portable, have a longer battery life and are very good for communication and simple tasks. They are considered to be a ‘personal consumer device’ for consuming the product of other people’s work, such as information on the internet. They are not best suited to ones’ own work productivity, especially tasks requiring multiple screens, high processing power, memory or full applications. As such, we do not recommend tablets at all.

Touch screen laptops with tablet mode provide the best of both worlds regarding functionality, but are the most expensive option.

Do I need to purchase Microsoft Office software for my child?

No. We use Google Apps and LibreOffice exclusively in MHJC.

How many devices can my child use at school?

MHJC students can only register ONE device to the school’s WiFi network.

Year 10 Options


Year 10 Subject Options 2017


Please select 4 option subjects but you will only study 2.  This is because some Options may not be offered if only a few students select it, or some Option course may be over subscribed.


Please note the following selection restriction that is applicable to the Technology Options, and Visual Art/Design & Visual Communication.


Technology (Digital, Hard Material, Fabric, Food)

– students can select a maximum 1x technology subject within their first two choices

– students can select a maximum 1x technology subject within their two back up choices


Visual Arts and Design & Visual Communication

– students can select one of these subjects within their first two choices


Year 10 Business Studies


Business Studies enables you to look and appreciate the issues that challenge business in a rapidly changing world. As citizens it is important that you are able to make informed and rational decisions about business matters.


In Business Studies your year will be broken up into three sections; business studies, economics and accounting. This enables you to get a taster of each before heading into Level One.


In Business Studies you will be looking at different products, target markets and how they are sold. This will lead onto a NCEA Standard which allows you to gain 4 credits. Accounting will allow students to explore financial statements and make decisions about whether the business should continue or not. Finally, Economics will allow students to look into supply and demand.


Business contexts often offer opportunities to integrate learning across a number of different subjects or learning areas and has strong links to everyday life. Business Studies offers opportunities for practical and creative thinkers as well as for those interested in money!


Year 10 Media Studies


In Media Studies you will learn to explore media concepts with critical awareness and have practical experience in production work. This course can give you essential skills and expertise as you progress to senior Media Studies, and beyond.


You will develop the ability to communicate confidently as you work in production groups developing media products such as short films. You will develop flexibility, problem solving and openness to new ideas. You will experience “hands-on” use of technology such as cameras and digital editing software.


You will be able to critically interpret a wide range of media. Your group project experiences will enhance your problem solving skills and ability to use your creative skills to produce a finished product to fit a brief.


Year 10 Visual Arts


“The internet has created an explosion of opportunity for digital designers and multimedia artists”

This option focuses on practical art-making. In Visual Arts opportunities will be given for you to express yourself effectively and extend your range of skills, knowledge and techniques using a variety of media and processes. These may include drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and design using both traditional and contemporary approaches.

You will be encouraged to use technologies, including emerging applications in digital media within your work.


You will also be required to keep a Visual Arts diary and can expect to be assessed both

formally and informally on your practical knowledge, understanding and skills throughout the

course. There will also be an opportunity to participate in a Level One NCEA Achievement standard which focuses on using a range of wet and dry media.


*This option is a prerequisite if you are considering taking Graphics at senior level, as Graphics is part of the Visual Arts programme – not to be confused with D.V.C.


Year 10 Graphics (Design and Visual Communication)

Design and Visual Communication (DVC) is a main communication tool, it is an international language therefore, it enables students to show their ideas avoiding languages barriers.

The Year 10 DVC course lays the foundation for Year 11 DVC and future years and it is based on the Year 9 DVC course, though no previous experience is required to take this option, it is ideal as a continuation of Year 9 DVC.

DVC combines the important educational aspects of communication and creative problem solving. This course will give students the chance to develop their own solutions to realistic design problems through the application of a design process. They will also get the skills to precisely communicate their solutions, by applying a range of Graphics Modes;

  • Free hand sketching
  • Technical drawing
  • Rendering
  • Graphics softwares

It is directly related to the dramatic technological developments that have occurred in today’s society, and involves fields such as;

  • Architecture
  • Environment
  • Engineering
  • Technological
  • Media
  • Packaging

This is a course with the emphasis placed on creativity and individual choice, developed to meet the needs of today’s students and tomorrow’s citizens. The programme is developed around briefs that are based on realistic and thought provoking situations. This course stimulates students’ self confidence, self esteem and pride in achievement through enabling them to reach personal success.


DVC is taught through to Year 13 level and further study is available at Technical Institutes and Universities in such areas as architecture, graphics design, engineering, interior design, advertising, computer graphics etc.

Students will have the opportunity to gain 6 credits in NCEA Level 1 towards Technology, Visual Arts, Graphics and Design.


Year 10 Food Technology


This course involves using technological practice to develop food solutions that meet a design brief. You will co-construct your focus area and develop your own design brief. You will have the opportunity to work individually or as a member of a team working on a small group design brief. You will have to design, develop and test your ideas until you find a solution to meet your brief.


You will develop skills to become a supportive team player able to undertake research accessing a variety of sources. You will be able to produce written and practical evidence to support your development work.

The variety of skills you will learn at Year 10 Food Technology lead smoothly on to Year 11 and beyond.

Year 10 Hard Materials Technology


This course involves working within a context to develop technological products. It builds on the Year 9 General Technology Course. You will generate ideas that will allow you to develop a range of outcomes. In the development of your ideas you will be investigating existing products to identify the key attributes that make products successful. You will make mockups or models that can test your ideas, then use a range of hard materials to develop those ideas into a final outcome.


You will learn new skills and knowledge and develop strategies to embrace challenge. You will have the opportunities to work on individual projects and group projects.


You will have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge that will prepare you for NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3. There are many Technology related careers and University courses that have Technology as an entry subject. You will also have the opportunity to sit an NCEA Achievement Standard to gain credits as you work through one of your projects.


Year 10 Fashion and Design


This course involves developing a range of outcomes related to Fashion and Design. You will learn about the Fashion trends of the past and how they have influenced Fashion today. You will develop knowledge and skills to make items that meet a given Design Brief or Challenge following the Design Process.


You will explore who you are in a conceptual form and learn the skills of design, including looking at digital designing. You will then transfer these new design skills and look at ‘who you are’ to influence the design and making of a ‘personal item’. This will allow you to express yourself in a unique way, while also gaining fundamental design skills and more specialist construction skills.


You will conduct some research into your culture and heritage to find similar existing products, suitable materials and learn how to manipulate a range of different materials. After the introductory project you will be given the opportunity to Design and Make items suitable for a personal project or you may wish to get involved in a community project. Or enter a competition such as the local schools Wearable Arts Competition and/or the National Brother Design Stars Competition.


You will also have the opportunity to sit NCEA Achievement Standard 91060 Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts used to make products from textile materials or Achievement Standard 91045 Use planning tools to guide the technological development of an outcome to address a brief.


Year 10 Digital Technology (Electronics/Coding)


Digital technology is a University approved course and in secondary schools continues to Year 13. As this is a new, Year 10 option course for 2017 students and will begin with an introductory unit which will equip them with the required skills to proceed to programming and use of microcontrollers with the intended outcome of being able to design, manufacture and programme an autonomous robot.


The course will be project based, concentrating on enquiry learning and ‘learning by doing’ and will incorporate these areas of digital technology (as well as safe and competent use of workshop machinery and power tools)

  • Understanding of circuit design and electronic components
  • Using prototype boards to test and prove electronic circuit designs and programmes
  • Manufacture of electronic circuit boards and associated practical skills
  • Programming and use of microcontrollers with a practical outcome
  • 3D design using CAD (3D printing and laser cutting, if time allows)


The course is biased towards practical outcomes but students must be prepared to complete all areas of the course including theory and assignment work. Students who opt to take this course do not need any prior knowledge or experience of electronics or programming a willingness to learn and a strong work ethic is required. Students taking this course will have the opportunity to participate in relevant NCEA level one digital technology achievement standards.


Year 10 Drama


In Year 10 Drama you will build on some of the performance skills developed in Year 9 such as Drama Techniques, Drama Elements and Drama Conventions. You will work in groups to develop performance pieces and perform for students at MHJC and the wider community. There will be an opportunity to participate in an NCEA assessment and to prepare for option choices at Year 11.


You will learn to work with a wide range of people in various situations. You will develop your communication abilities and confidence in public forums. An interest in performance techniques and creating original work for an audience would be of benefit but these skills will be taught during the course so are not essential. Enthusiasm and a willingness to try everything are essential.

The skills acquired in Drama can be fed into any number of pathways. Being able to speak with confidence in a public situation is an invaluable asset in many other subject areas that involve discussion and presentation. Being able to work cooperatively and creatively in a group develops excellent problem solving skills that can be applied to many areas.


Year 10 Music

Year 10 Music will see a development of the skills learned in Year 9. Practical work will largely focus on group and solo performance as well as song composition. The course will involve an NCEA unit based on digital aspects of music using programs such as MuseScore and Ardour. You also will have the opportunity to record one of your own songs. There will be an element of the theory of minor and major scales and the investigation of chords in a key.

Learning to develop confidence when performing is a huge part of music at year 10 and plenty of opportunities, both formal and informal will be offered as an opportunity to shine.


Year 10 Spanish


Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages, there are more Spanish than English speakers in the world. There are over 350 million native speakers of Spanish in twenty two countries. The Year 10 Spanish course teaches not only a lively and expressive language, but a fascinating and different culture.


Students will have the opportunity to learn:

  • to describe themselves and others.
  • To describe places and other things.
  • to use articles and adjectives applying correct grammar.
  • to conjugate verbs with confidence.
  • about Spanish and Latin american lifestyle, festivities and traditions.

Our Year 10 Spanish students learn through;

  • videos and presentations
  • our language softwares “Linguascope and Language Perfect”
  • interacting within the class using their acquired, written, reading and speaking knowledge
  • experiencing field trips where they will apply their conversational skills.
  • being in contact through e-mails with Spanish speaking students, exchanging experiences and making friends overseas
  • having an opportunity of gaining 4 credits for NCEA Level 1and earning a Spanish Certificate in language competence from the Australian Council of Educational Research.

Learning Spanish will give students the possibility to understand other Latin based languages like Portuguese and Italian. Year 10 Spanish is a preparatory year to go further and study Spanish at a professional level giving you the chance of having a success.


School Zone

Mission Heights Junior College is able to accept enrolments for in zone students in Years 7 to 10. Students living in our home zone have an absolute right of enrolment at Mission Heights Junior College. Please view the map of our enrolment zone below. For detailed information on road names and house numbers that are included in our enrolment zone, please contact us.

Mission Heights Junior College is required by the Ministry of Education to have an enrolment scheme.

All students who live within the home zone, as shown on the map below, shall be entitled to enrol at the school

All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone, unless otherwise stated.

In the North West, starting on Te Irirangi Drive (319 – 491 odd included), travel through the walkway to Monash Place, travel east along Monash Place then south into Wayne Francis Drive (97, 88 and above included) then turn east into Hampervale Place. Turn south down Chapel Road (169 – 311, 350 – 408 included) before turning east along Duntrune Road and then north-east into Cyril French Drive (58 – 98 excluded). Travel North along Baverton Close (excluded) and east along Gracechurch Drive (excluded above 16, 17) to the Gracechurch Reserve. Follow the northern boundary across country to the northern end of Jeffs Road to include all roads in the Mission Heights Estate. Travel across country (to include Sandstone Road) to the northern end of Whitford Park Road. Travel south down Whitford Park Road (257, 250 and below included) as far as, but excluding Polo Lane. Travel south-west across country to the intersection of Redoubt Road (601, 640 and above included) and excluding Michael Bosher Way (Michael Bosher Way excluded). Travel north along Redoubt Road to and west along the centre of Ormiston Road (352, 459 and above included, Sandstone Road included) to and north along the centre of Murphys Road (274, 285 and above included) to Stancombe Road (Multose Drive, Malahide Drive, Topland Drive and off roads included). Travel west along Stancombe Road (47, 16 and above included) to Chapel Road. Travel south along the centre of Chapel Road, west on Ormiston Road to Te Irirangi Drive, and north along the centre of Te Irirangi Drive, back to the starting point.

Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.

Out of Zone Enrolments

The Board of Trustees will determine the number of places, if any, which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The Board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.

Applications for enrolments will be processed in the following order of priority:

  • First Priority: This priority category is not applicable at this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary.
  • Second Priority: must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
  • Third Priority: must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
  • Fourth Priority: must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
  • Fifth Priority: must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
  • Sixth Priority: must be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.

Applicants seeking second or third priority status will be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.

School Zone Map

The Whānau system

Our four Whānau, or schools within a school are central to everything we do at MHJC. They operate as physically independent learning communities of approximately 200 students and 12 staff,  led by two experienced senior leaders. This model promotes collaborative teaching and learning, close monitoring, tracking and support of students and healthy participation in community activities. Students are allocated to a Whānau on entry to the school and will almost always remain a part of that community. Staff may be moved between Whānau where timetabling needs dictate.

Each of our Whanau represent the physical features and beauty of  New Zealand/Aotearoa – Coast (Takutai), Forest (Ngahere), Water (Wai) and Mountains (Maunga). These are represented in our logo by the 4 coloured koru, gold, green, blue and white.

Teachers usually teach classes within one Whānau and will be aligned with a Whānau for activities, competitions and events. Students and staff both enter into the spirit of the Whānau community which provides a strong sense of fun, pride and belonging. Leadership and other opportunities are seamlessly provided within the Whānau as is the four year transition of students from primary to senior secondary school.

Learners Timetable

At Mission Heights Junior College, students have five 60 minute sessions from Monday to Friday.

       Year 7 to 10 Timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30 – 9:30AM Session 1
9:30 – 10:30AM Session 2
10:30 – 11:00AM

Morning Tea

11:00 – 12:00PM Session 3
12:00 – 1:00PM Session 4
1:00 – 1:50PM


1:50 – 2:50PM DEEP

DEEP Programme

Each student at Mission Heights Junior College has a Learning Advisor. This teacher, usually from their whanau, meets with each student individually to assess their progress and set goals based on evidence of their learning.

Our school timetable includes a daily extension and enrichment ‘DEEP’ learning session; Discovery, Essentials, Enrichment and Passions.

Students, with their advisor, create a personalised DEEP programme according to their needs, interests and passions. Our DEEP session also allows for;

  • Enrichment in new curriculum areas or in areas of existing strength
  • Preparation for academic competitions
  • Sessions for students who are finding an aspect of the curriculum challenging
  • Opportunities to extend and enrich able students
  • An induction to MHJC life for students arriving during the course of the year

Where students are identified as having a specific need in numeracy, literacy or ESOL, they are directed to an Essential DEEP option to address this need.

Click here to see the current DEEP options which are offered at Mission Heights Junior College.



Teachers within each Whānau collaborate as Professional Learning Communities to provide authentic outcomes for our students.

Learning is integrated so students can see connections between learning areas, is relevant and focuses on the “how and why” as well as the “what”.

This means our students are taught how to learn and how to apply what they have learnt as well as understand the core knowledge and skills required for further study.

A special focus is made to promote creativity, collaboration, curiosity and effective communication. Teachers will work with students to develop engaging contexts for learning which relate to contemporary issues making learning even more meaningful and exciting for our students.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide a valuable resource for the development of contexts and enhancing the notion of “think global, act local”.

Years 7 and 8

In Years 7 and 8 all students study English, Mathematics, Science, Global Studies, Physical Education and Health, Art, Performing Arts, Technology, Digital Literacy, Written Literacy, Mandarin and Spanish.

Years 9 and 10

Our Year 9 and 10 students are our senior students and therefore assume leadership roles as they continue with a challenging academic programme. In addition to the continued study of English, Mathematics, Science, Global Studies, Physical Education and Health, Year 9 and 10 students have the opportunity to select two specialist subjects to study in greater depth.

You can find more information about the Year 9 and 10 options that are available by watching our YouTube videos on our option subjects that are offered at MHJC;

Year 9 and 10 Option Subjects Videos

Ideally students will choose options that they expect to continue with for the two years and then on into Year 11 at senior college, however there is an opportunity to change options at the end of  Year 9 should students believe they are not in an option appropriate to their needs.

Options available to Year 9 and 10 students include:
Music, Art, Drama, Media Studies, Digital Technology, Design and Visual Communication, Outdoor Education, Food Technology, Hospitality, Enterprise and Business Studies, Te Reo Māori, Mandarin and Spanish.

In Year 10, most students have the opportunity to complete NCEA assessments which are integrated into their core English, Mathematics, Physical Education & Health, Science and Global Studies assessments.

Students in all year levels further personalise their learning programme through their DEEP subject selections. Find more out about the DEEP programme here

Digital Learning

Mission Heights Junior College students use a range of online digital learning platforms to complement their in-class work;

  • Maths Buddy – Maths Buddy gives students the freedom to study without stress in their own time, at their own pace. It allows students to catch up on lessons they missed or concepts they have not fully understood. Every student has access to the entire Year 1 to 13 curriculum so students can revise and reinforce concepts they have learned earlier.
  • Reading Plus – Reading Plus helps students to become better readers by developing the skills they need to read proficiently and become independent learners. Using Reading Plus regularly improves student comprehension and reading speed.
  • Education Perfect- every learning area is provided within the Education Perfect platform allowing teachers and students to progress through the curriculum remotely and at a differentiated pace and level.

We also make extensive use of the Google G-Suite for Education platform to allow for excellent collaboration between students and teachers.


Every year each Whanau holds a 3 day long camp for all Year 7 students. Some Year 10 students are given the opportunity to attend camp as leaders. School camps are an important part of the New Zealand Curriculum. At these camps students enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities, together with the challenge and adventure that accompany these.