All posts by Alysha

Microsoft Global Imagine Cup Junior AI

Congratulations to Nataliya Langi (9W1), Hannah Schaaf (9W1) and Salote Lavemai (9W2), who made up the team Techsteins, for their awesome concept #Hifriend. Great effort in achieving amongst the Top 10 (in over 450 submissions) Winners of the Microsoft Global Imagine Cup Junior AI for Good Challenge at the Australian and NewZealand Regional Awards.
Microsoft runs a programme to get a community of students aged 13-18 years together to learn about technology and how it can be used to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems. It’s an introduction into AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning and cybersecurity.
Their #Hifriend concept is an AI-powered app that aims to target mental health and depression by decreasing these statistics among New Zealand youth through empowering them to build their confidence to engage with other people.
Congratulations ladies! Well done.

40 Hour Famine – Orange Mufti Day

One of the Executive Council projects this year is to raise awareness and funds for World Vision through their 40 Hour Famine campaign. The details of this campaign will be shared with students by the Executive Council members. To kick the fundraising off, the Exec Council have decided that this Friday 17th June will be Orange Mufti Day. A gold coin donation will be collected in Whānau on Friday morning. Please help us reach our target of $15000!

Y9OED Trees for Survival

Today, Year 9 Outdoor Education students travelled to a South Auckland farm to complete tree planting as part of a Trees for Survival initiative. Lots of trees were planted and the weather held off for a great day out.

Film Making Opportunity

Environmental filmmaking opportunity for 12-18 year olds!
𝗖𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗸𝗶 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺
Give a voice to nature with Curious Tamariki! Join us for four days of exploration, creativity, nature, science, and filmmaking for young people. Over the first two days, you will learn the language of filmmaking and editing, and be inspired by the forests with an ecological exploration day at Mangemangeroa Reserve. In the last two days, you will tell your story by making your own film, sharing your stories, knowledge, and feelings about the environment. A mini film festival will showcase the short films at UXBRIDGE (date TBC). This is a Gecko Trust Project with thanks for Lottery Community Matters.
Dates: 11th – 14th July, 10 – 4pm each day.
Location: UXBRIDGE Arts and Culture and Mangemangeroa Reserve, Howick.
Suitable young people aged 12 – 18.
Places are limited to 20 participants so register early not to miss out!

Community Planting Day

Our Community Planting Day was very successful this past Saturday. Lots of staff, students and community members, from all 3 schools, came to do their part in the tree planting. The weather held off for the most part too. A total of 3,500 plants were put in over the course of the 3 hours. Thank you to everyone who came and supported this event!
We look forward to the coming 2 weeks when students from Mission Heights Junior College, Mission Heights Primary, and KiNZ Mission Heights will come together to continue this amazing initiative.

Te Pou o Rongo

On Thursday 2nd June, 4 senior students travelled to Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae to attend a symposium. The aim for Te Pou o Rongo is to build Peace and Resilience within rangatahi by reconnecting them with their Māori culture and identity. These 4 students were fortunate enough to attend this symposium with students from other schools, with the hopes of becoming Māori Youth Peace Ambassadors in future.

Alumni Connections

Calling all MHJC Alumni!
We still want to hear from you and make connections! Please have a look at our new ‘Alumni’ page on our school website – Here, you can share your current details to stay up-to-date with Alumni News and Events. We look forward to making connections with you!

Teacher Only Day – Planting Blessing

Today, was a combined Teacher Only Day for both Mission Heights Junior College and Mission Heights Primary School. Part of the day was spent marking the start of our upcoming legacy project. For this, staff from both schools participated in a blessing ceremony and planted the first lot of trees, which is part of two different projects; the bike track planting and the slope planting to complement the existing forest.
This is an integral part of the school’s Matariki celebration – a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead.
We hope our community can join us on our Community Planting Day, this Saturday 11th June from 10am-1pm – at the Bike Track.

College Sport – Cross Country Championships

On Thursday 2 June, a number of students travelled to Lloyd Elsmore Park for the College Sport Cross Country Championships. The weather was rather interesting for racing but our students showed that their early morning trainings have definitely paid off. Congratulations to all students who competed!