All posts by Alysha

Prizegiving Youtube Premiere

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, prizegiving this year will look at little different.  Each prizegiving will be broadcast via Youtube, these links will only work from the date and time each specific prizegiving starts.

Year 7 Prizegiving, available from December 15, 10:00am:
Year 8 Prizegiving, available from December 15, 10:00am:
Year 9 Prizegiving, available from December 14, 10:00am:
Year 10 Graduation and Prizegiving, available from December 14, 12:00pm:


Congratulations Harmann Mahey

Congratulations to Harmann Mahey (9W2), who won 2nd prize in the University of Canterbury Law School Essay Competition, under the question category – Should we continue to keep our borders closed to try and prevent the spread of Covid-19? The competition was open to secondary school students across the country. This is a tremendous achievement and a testament to Harmann’s hard work and skill.

Chinese Bridge Chinese Show

Jennifer Sun (7M1) will represent Aotearoa in the 1st Chinese Bridge Chinese Show for foreign primary school students. Only two students were selected across New Zealand and Jennifer is one of them! The show will take place online on 23 November. We wish Jennifer all the best.

New Assistant Principals appointed for 2022

Congratulations to Mr Helgard Groenewald and Mr Jason McKimmon who will take up their new roles at the start of 2022.

Mr Groenewald is known by many in the community as our Sports Coordinator, a role he occupied for many years, until he became Acting Assistant Principal and more recently Dean of Mountains Whānau. “Mr G”, as he is affectionately known, has a wealth of leadership experience in these and other roles within the school after over 10 years of loyal service. Before joining MHJC he had taught at Tangaroa College and in South Africa.

Mr McKimmon is currently Dean of Coast Whānau after joining our staff last year. Mr McKimmon is a highly regarded educator who gained valuable experience in Hong Kong where he was Head of the Physical Education and Health Department at an international school. It was there that he gained experience in the IB (International Baccalaureate) Middle Year Programme. Before he left for Hong Kong he completed his provisional registration at Howick College.

Uniform List

Uniform list

All items are available at John Russell Schoolwear (Moore Street Howick). You can visit their online shop here.

Day to day 

MHJC official stock:

  • Black knee length skirt 
  • Black shorts or trousers
  • Silver grey blouse or shirt
  • Black jersey
  • Black jacket
  • Cap or hat (compulsory in Term 1 and 4)
  • Scarf (optional)

Black Roman sandals or leather lace-up shoes.

Girls are permitted to wear white ankle socks or black tights. Boys are permitted to wear black socks.

Shoes and socks may not have branding logos.

Physical Education Uniform

  • Official shirt and shorts
  • Sports shoes

The MHJC Sports Hoodie may be only be worn when representing the school at Sporting events not during normal classes and PE classes.