Mission Heights Junior College is supporting World Vision again this year through participation in the 40 Hour Famine. Students across the school are invited to participate in this event which runs from June 25 – 27, 2021. More information about registration can be found on the 40 Hour Famine website or from Mrs Ismail at school.
All posts by Alysha
Coast Whānau VR Voom Experience
Over the past fortnight, all students in Coast Whānau have made trips to the Auckland Museum and VR Voom in Newmarket. Students spent time at the Museum looking at exhibits that relate to their Term 2 learning contexts. The VR Voom taught students about advancing VR technologies. Students also experienced first hand how realistic such programmes can be. Definitely a day to remember for all!
Teacher Only Day – June 8th
A friendly reminder of the Teacher Only Day on Tuesday 8th June.
Mathex is back!
MHJC will be hosting Mathex once again on Friday 2 July from 9.30am – Noon.
Pink Shirt Day 2021

College Sport Cross Country
Congratulations to Kaela Clayton and John Nguyen for representing MHJC at College Sport’s Southeastern/Central Zone Cross Country. A challenging course for both athletes, Kaela and John ran strong races in a very competitive field. Well done to both!
Road Safety Week
This week across New Zealand is Road Safety Week. Mission Heights students have been taking part by learning about the traffic patterns outside school. Students are learning how high traffic volumes can be reduced by walking to school, which in turn helps the planet. A friendly reminder to all students who walk – use the road patrol crossings.
Kindness Week
A friendly reminder to our school community that this week is Kindness Week. On Friday, we will be having a Pink Shirt Mufti Day as part of International Anti-Bullying Day supported by workplaces, schools, and organisations around the country. Students can wear a pink shirt or pink item of clothing. A gold coin donation will be collected with proceeds going to the Mental Health Foundation.
South Auckland Intermediate & Senior Chess Tournament
MHJC came First in the Intermediate Division and Second in the Senior Division earlier this week. Congratulations to the following students on their achievement – Toesh Rawat, James Hyunh, Sumida Gande, Ferris Zhang, Owen Chen, Arvinth Sathy, Ashvin Sathy, Zac Harrison, Rishiraj Singh, Sarayu Gande, and John Nyugen.
Term 2 Homework Clubs
A reminder of the Homework Clubs running this term.