All posts by Ben Doughney

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Mission Heights Junior College complies with the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 (the Act) when dealing with personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual (a natural person).

This policy sets out how we will collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information.

This policy does not limit or exclude any of your rights under the Act. If you wish to seek further information on the Act, see


Changes to this policy

We may change this policy by uploading a revised policy onto the website. The change will apply from the date that we upload the revised policy.


Who do we collect your personal information from

We collect personal information about you :

  • when you provide that personal information to us, including via the website and any related service (eg. KAMAR Portal), through any registration or subscription process or through any contact with us (e.g. telephone call or email).

If possible, we will collect personal information from you directly.


How we use your personal information

We will use your personal information:

  • to verify your identity
  • to respond to communications from you, including a complaint
  • for any other purpose authorised by you or the Act


Disclosing your personal information

We may disclose your personal information to:

  • any business that hosts or maintains any underlying IT system that we use to provide the website.
  • a person who can require us to supply your personal information (e.g. a regulatory authority)
  • any other person authorised by the Act or another law (e.g. a law enforcement agency)
  • any other person authorised by you.


Protecting your personal information

We will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information safe from loss, unauthorised activity, or other misuse.


Accessing and correcting your personal information

Subject to certain grounds for refusal set out in the Act, you have the right to access your readily retrievable personal information that we hold and to request a correction to your personal information. Before you exercise this right, we will need evidence to confirm that you are the individual to whom the personal information relates.

In respect of a request for correction, if we think the correction is reasonable and we are reasonably able to change the personal information, we will make the correction. If we do not make the correction, we will take reasonable steps to note on the personal information that you requested the correction.

If you want to exercise either of the above rights, email us at Your email should provide evidence of who you are and set out the details of your request (e.g. the personal information, or the correction, that you are requesting).

We may charge you our reasonable costs of providing to you copies of your personal information or correcting that information.


Internet use

While we take reasonable steps to maintain secure internet connections, if you provide us with personal information over the internet, the provision of that information is at your own risk.

If you follow a link on our website to another site, the owner of that site will have its own privacy policy relating to your personal information. We suggest you review that site’s privacy policy before you provide personal information.

End of Year Arrangements

Packs containing Year books, photographs, certificates and other items will be issued for students to take home, or pick up next year if returning.

Parents of Year 10 students and leavers who are not at school may collect these packs on the following days and times:

  • Coast Monday 13 December – 3 – 4 pm
  • Forest Tuesday 14 December – 3 – 4 pm
  • Water Monday 13 December – 3 – 4 pm
  • Mountains Tuesday 14 December – 3 – 4 pm

More information will be shared by your Whānau Leaders nearer the time about the Health and Safety Guidelines for this process. Please enter on the Jeffs Road side of the school.

Prizegiving and Graduation ceremonies will be pre-recorded owing to Covid-19 restrictions, and a link will be sent out to the community at a later stage.

Last Week of Term

Monday 13 December – Year 7 and 8 normal day, school closes at 3 pm
Tuesday 14 December – Year 9 and 10 last day, school closes at 3 pm
Wednesday 15 December – Year 7 and 8 last day, school closes at 1 pm

School TV

Today parents face a multitude of modern day challenges in raising happy, well and resilient young people. Whilst there is a great deal of information available, this can often be confusing and overwhelming for parents looking for guidance.

SchoolTV addresses this as a new online resource designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies.

Please view the monthly newsletter here;

Measles Outbreak in Auckland

As advised in the media, the measles outbreak appears to be rapidly spreading in Auckland.
At this stage, we have NOT had any reported case of measles at the school.

1. If your child is showing symptoms of measles please keep them at home.
2. If your child has been diagnosed with measles please notify the school immediately and keep them at home.
3. We strongly advise you to immunise your child at the earliest possible opportunity – the vaccine is available free from your GP.
4. If there is a reported case at MHJC we may require proof of immunisation so please have your documentation available should this be the case.

Thanking you for your support.







New Teachers for 2019

Introducing the new Mission Heights Junior College teachers for 2019.

From left to right;

Douglas Choong- Coast Whanau, Maths and Science
Logan Dobson- Coast Whanau, Global Studies and English
Jan Newbold- Mountains Whanau, Visual Arts Specialist
Erin Steel- Water Whanau, Global Studies and Drama
Iris Brandauer- Forest Whanau, Science Term 1 for Gillian Bartlett
Sahara Singh- Forest Whanau, English and Global Studies

Holistic Reporting Consultation

Mission Heights Junior College will be implementing a Holistic Student Report in 2019. Please find below a link that will take you to an annotated example of the ‘proposed’ MHJC Holistic Student Report.

The intention of this new report is to:

  1. Provide an easy to understand summary of the information about a student’s progress and achievement across the curriculum – the ‘whole person’.
  2. Provide information in ‘real time’ by way of a live report that can be viewed online 24/7.
  3. Provide a printed take-home copy of the Holistic Student Report at the end of each year.

We invite all families/parents/caregivers to participate in this consultation process be filling out the short survey on the link below;

If you have further questions or queries, feel free to contact Kate Lambert, Leader of Learning.
An appointment can also be organised – 09 2777881/