Category Archives: Community
Community Conduct Expectations
MHJC is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, staff, and visitors.
Our Code of Conduct serves as a reminder to all parents, caregivers, and school visitors that their conduct must support everyone’s emotional and physical wellbeing, and not harm it in any way. The school’s board has set this Code of Conduct as a condition of entry.
The Code of Conduct applies:
- to all conduct, speech, and action, and includes emails, texts, phone calls, social media, or other communication
- while on school grounds or at another venue where students and/or staff are assembled for school purposes (such as a camp or sports match).
Standards of conduct
MHJC expects parents, caregivers, and visitors to:
- treat everyone with respect
- work together in partnership with staff for the benefit of students
- respect and adhere to our school values
- set a good example for students at all times
- follow school procedures to handle any complaints
- adhere to school policies and procedures (such as those listed below), and any legal requirements.
Examples of unsuitable conduct include:
- threats, bullying, harassment
- profanity/offensive language
- insulting, abusing, or intimidating behaviour
- discrimination (e.g. based on ethnicity, religion)
- physical aggression
- deception/fraud
- damaging school property
- smoking, possessing or using alcohol/drugs/other harmful substances on school premises or at another venue where students and/or staff are assembled for school purposes (except possession or use of alcohol in accordance with school policy)
- placing unreasonable and excessive expectations on staff time or resources
- pursuing a complaint or campaign, or making defamatory, offensive, or derogatory comments, regarding the school, its board, or any staff or students on social media or other public forums
- wearing gang insignia on the school grounds. (This is not allowed under the Prohibition of Gang Insignia legislation, and anyone wearing it will be asked to leave.)
Dealing with breaches of the Code of Conduct
How MHJC deals with breaches of our Code of Conduct depends on the nature of the incident and its seriousness, and the process any witness or victim of the behaviour feels most comfortable with. Examples include:
- documenting each instance of behaviour, including the date, time, place, who was present, what was said (verbatim if possible), how any witness or victim felt and/or responded
- holding a meeting with the relevant person, the principal, and/or board chair (or their delegate) or appropriate staff member to discuss the problem and possible resolution
- issuing a warning letter that outlines the problem and required resolution, and reminds them of the possible outcomes of repeated conduct
- arranging a meeting, which may include restorative practices, as an alternative or in addition to the processes above.
Outcomes of breaching the Code of Conduct
If a parent, caregiver, or visitor acts or speaks in a way that contravenes the Code of Conduct, possible outcomes may include:
- The school (principal, board member, or staff member) may ask a person to leave the school premises by revoking their permission to be on the school grounds, then asking them to leave under section 3 of the Trespass Act 1980.
- Unacceptable behaviour of a criminal nature may result in the police being informed. For example, under section 139C of the Education Act 1989, it is a criminal offence to assault, abuse, or intimidate a staff member within the presence or hearing of any student while on school premises or in any other place where students are assembled for school purposes. Other instances of criminal offending may occur where drugs are involved, an assault has occurred, or a person persists after being trespassed off school grounds.
- In the case of behaviour amounting to harassment, a restraining order may be sought.
- In some instances, it may be appropriate to refer behaviour to a third party for resolution. For example, a Facebook comment that contravenes this policy may result in a report to Facebook. If unacceptable behaviour occurs at a sports event or sports venue, then it may be appropriate to involve the governing body of that sport, event, or venue.
Self-isolation information
Helpful advice from Ministry of Health

COVID update 24/2/22
I share extracts from a bulletin I received from the MoE today:
You’ll be aware that this afternoon the Government announced that New Zealand is moving into Phase 3 of our response to Omicron from 11:59pm tonight Thursday 24 February.
In Phase 3, only household contacts of confirmed cases are required to self-isolate. The isolation period will be 10 days. All other contacts of COVID-positive people are not required to isolate, but they will need to monitor for symptoms. Rapid antigen tests will become the primary testing method.
This is a decision that has been made based on public health advice – the high vaccination rate across the country will do its job in protecting us from transmission during the next surge of cases. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to get your booster.
So your child may come to school provided:
- they are not showing COVID symptoms and
- they are not household contacts and
- they have not tested positive for COVID-19.
While we have a rising number of cases among the student body, they are still relatively low and school is still a safe place for our students provided we all remain vigilant and follow the guidelines we have outlined so often:
- please keep children at home if they are showing symptoms and get them tested ASAP – this was done by the cases reported to us which has helped to slow the spread of the virus;
- keep supplying your child with a mask (and a spare one), this is one of the best ways to keep them safe;
- seriously consider vaccinating your child against the virus if you have not done so.
Once again your patience, support and cooperation is really appreciated.
COVID-19 update 23/2/22
COVID update 16/2/22
Happy Waitangi Day!
Waitangi Day, the national day of New Zealand, marks the anniversary of the initial signing – on 6 February 1840 – of the Treaty of Waitangi, which is regarded as the founding document of the nation.
The Treaty reminds us we are one people – in the words of William Hobson, Crown Representative, “He iwi tahi tatou” and to renew our commitment to the Treaty.

Enrolments 2022
Please note that we will be no change to the dates published despite Auckland being in lockdown.
Out of zone ballot will take place on Wednesday 8 September.
Nice to be back!
As indicated in the Term 1 newsletter I was granted a sabbatical by the Ministry of Education for Term 2 which is available to Principal’s after 5 years of service (mine was delayed by a year). I wish to thank the Board of Trustees for supporting my application and our Associate Principal for stepping into my position while I was away. The topic I was investigating, was “Principal’s Wellbeing” which together with student and teacher wellbeing is becoming a very important consideration for Boards of Trustees and the Ministry of Education.
Following an analysis of responses by over 50 school leaders in Auckland and meetings with a selected number I was able to summarise some broad generalisations which I have shared with colleagues and Principal organisations. Some of the reasons why Principal’s indicate they are thriving in their role, rather than surviving, is due to the support they receive from their Boards and their Board Chair in particular; their Senior Leaders and the community generally. I am pleased to say I fit in that category and wish again to thank everyone who has contributed in some way to my feelings of wellbeing. I realise this is a personal statement which I am unused to sharing, however a school leader faces numerous complex issues on a daily basis and this can be draining unless there are other factors which help to “refill the bucket”.
Being back at school and reconnecting with our wonderful staff, student and parent community has been a most enjoyable experience. It is often true to say that when we are away or leave a place we tend to appreciate things more and this was true for me when I was away and witnessed through facebook and emails the amazing efforts of our staff to maintain our mission of helping students to find and grow their greatness.
I trust everyone is well and like me, feels blessed that we are able to enjoy personal freedoms that many in other countries are denied owing to the pandemic. I look forward to sharing with you all the events and celebrations we have become used to in term 3 and beyond.
Growing greatness – Kia mana ake!