Category Archives: Enrolment


BYOD Device

In addition to the stationery requirements below, all year level students require a device that they can bring to school. We do not specify a particular device, but instead have some minimum specifications that the device must meet. You can read those specifications here; MHJC recommended devices.

Note: Should you anticipate any difficulty providing a device for your child, please communicate with your child’s Whānau Leader as soon as possible so an alternate plan can be provided.

MHJC Stationery List Year 7 & 8

  • 1 x 150mm Clear Ruler
  • 1 x 0.5mm 2H Pencil Leads Tube / 12
  • 1 x 0.5mm Graphite Mechanical Pencil
  • 1 x Pencil Sharpener
  • 1 x Full Size Coloured Pencils Pack / 12
  • 1 x Yellow Highlighter
  • 1 x 4B Pencil
  • 1 x 2B Pencil
  • 1 x HB Pencil
  • 1 x Plastic Eraser
  • 1 x Pencil Case
  • 1 x Glue Stick
  • 4 x Retractable, Blue Ballpoint Pen
  • 1 x Retractable, Black Ballpoint Pen
  • 3 x Retractable, Red Ballpoint Pen
  • 1 x A4 Lined Refill
  • 1 x Set of Ear Bud Earphones (for use only by teacher request)
  • 7 x 1B8 lined Exercise Books
  • 2 x 1E8 Exercise books for Science


  • 2 x 1E5 Quad 7mm, 36 Leaf Maths Exercise Book with margin
  • 1 x Maths Geometry set (Compass, Protractor, etc.)
  • 1 x Casio FX82 MS Scientific Calculator*

* Compulsory for all Year 7 students. Do not purchase if you already have a scientific calculator that is in good working order.

Visual Art

  • 1 x A4 standard art project sketchbook
  • 2 x 6B pencils

* We recommend the cheaper project books instead of expensive ones.

MHJC Stationery List Year 9 & 10

  • 1 x 150mm Clear Ruler
  • 1 x 0.5mm 2H Pencil Leads Tube / 12
  • 1 x 0.5mm Graphite Mechanical Pencil
  • 1 x Pencil Sharpener
  • 1 x Full Size Coloured Pencils Pack / 12
  • 1 x Yellow Highlighter
  • 1 x HB Pencil
  • 1 x Plastic Eraser
  • 1 x Pencil Case
  • 1 x Glue Stick
  • 4 x Retractable, Blue Ballpoint Pen
  • 1 x Retractable, Black Ballpoint Pen
  • 3 x Retractable, Red Ballpoint Pen
  • 1 x A4 Lined Refill
  • 1 x Set of Ear Bud Earphones (for use only by teacher request)
  • 7 x 1B8 lined Exercise Books
  • 2 x 1J8 Exercise book for Science


  • 1 x 1J8 Quad 5mm, 36 Leaf Maths Exercise Book
  • 1 x 1E5 Quad 7mm, 36 Leaf Maths Exercise Book with margin
  • 1 x Maths Geometry set (Compass, Protractor, etc.)
  • 1 x Casio FX82 MS Scientific Calculator*

* Scientific Calculator is recommended for all Year 9 & 10 students. Please do not purchase
one if you already have a scientific calculator that is in good working order.

Visual Art – Year 9 & 10 Option Art Students Only

  • 1 x A4 standard art project sketchbook
  • 2 x 6B pencils
  • We recommend the cheaper project books instead of expensive ones.

Design and Visual Communication Option Students Only

  • 1 x A3 Art Case – black plastic with clip fastener
  • 6 x HB Pencil 
  • 6 x 2H Pencil 
  • 5 x Plastic Eraser 
  • 1 x  Full Size Colored Pencils Pack /12

* Available to view in the graphics room. Only purchase if you do not have one already.


Compulsory Fees

In November 2019, it was decided to accept the Ministry’s offer to opt in to the donations scheme which means parents are no longer requested to pay an annual voluntary donation of $250. This results in significant savings for parents as we are able to pass on some of the revenue to cover ID cards and printing, Yearbook, day-trips and outside speakers who visit the school to address the students. In the past, voluntary donations have been used for capital projects including ICT equipment, a policy we intend continuing.

In terms of the Guidelines, a fee will be requested for the following:

  • overnight trips (including the Year 7 Camp)
  • optional DEEP courses and extra-curricular activities
  • courses with a take home component including digital platforms

A device is also recommended for all students as much of our curriculum is delivered using digital technology which can be used at home or in school.

In order to maintain and enhance our high standards of innovative learning, additional resources are needed and as such, parents are requested to pay for the items listed below. These must be paid in full before the start of the academic year.

Online payments can be made via our portal by following this link;

Innovative Learning Initiatives, Year 7 and 8 
Curriculum Related Fees (includes take home components)$130.00
Digital Platforms (includes Education Perfect, Maths Buddy and Reading Plus)$100.00
Year 7 Camp$290.00
Innovative Learning Initiatives, Year 9 and 10 
Digital Platforms used at home and school (includes Education Perfect, Maths Buddy and Reading Plus)$90.00
Year 9 and 10 Subject Fees 
Learning with a take home component 
Art (ART)$70.00
Digital Technology (DGT), Fashion Design (FSD), Technology (TEC)$80.00 each
Food Technology (FOO),  Hospitality (HOS)$100.00 each
Media Studies (MED),  Design and Visual Communications (DVC)$50.00 each
Business (BUS), Media Studies (MED), Music (MUS)$25.00 each
Outdoor Education (OED) for Year 9$300.00
Outdoor Education (OED) for Year 10$400.00

Payments can be made by direct credit from home. Details are below:

Bank and Branch:ASB Botany
Account #:12-3233-0051320-000
Reference Details:

Student’s Full Name

Class e.g. 9C2

Reference e.g. DEEP

Uniform List

Uniform list

All items are available at John Russell Schoolwear (Moore Street Howick). You can visit their online shop here.

Day to day 

MHJC official stock:

  • Black knee length skirt 
  • Black shorts or trousers
  • Silver grey blouse or shirt
  • Black jersey
  • Black jacket
  • Cap or hat (compulsory in Term 1 and 4)
  • Scarf (optional)

Black Roman sandals or leather lace-up shoes.

Girls are permitted to wear white ankle socks or black tights. Boys are permitted to wear black socks.

Shoes and socks may not have branding logos.

Physical Education Uniform

  • Official shirt and shorts
  • Sports shoes

The MHJC Sports Hoodie may be only be worn when representing the school at Sporting events not during normal classes and PE classes.

School Zone

Mission Heights Junior College is able to accept enrolments for in zone students in Years 7 to 10. Students living in our home zone have an absolute right of enrolment at Mission Heights Junior College. Please view the map of our enrolment zone below. For detailed information on road names and house numbers that are included in our enrolment zone, please contact us.

Mission Heights Junior College is required by the Ministry of Education to have an enrolment scheme.

All students who live within the home zone, as shown on the map below, shall be entitled to enrol at the school

All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone, unless otherwise stated.

In the North West, starting on Te Irirangi Drive (319 – 491 odd included), travel through the walkway to Monash Place, travel east along Monash Place then south into Wayne Francis Drive (97, 88 and above included) then turn east into Hampervale Place. Turn south down Chapel Road (169 – 311, 350 – 408 included) before turning east along Duntrune Road and then north-east into Cyril French Drive (58 – 98 excluded). Travel North along Baverton Close (excluded) and east along Gracechurch Drive (excluded above 16, 17) to the Gracechurch Reserve. Follow the northern boundary across country to the northern end of Jeffs Road to include all roads in the Mission Heights Estate. Travel across country (to include Sandstone Road) to the northern end of Whitford Park Road. Travel south down Whitford Park Road (257, 250 and below included) as far as, but excluding Polo Lane. Travel south-west across country to the intersection of Redoubt Road (601, 640 and above included) and excluding Michael Bosher Way (Michael Bosher Way excluded). Travel north along Redoubt Road to and west along the centre of Ormiston Road (352, 459 and above included, Sandstone Road included) to and north along the centre of Murphys Road (274, 285 and above included) to Stancombe Road (Multose Drive, Malahide Drive, Topland Drive and off roads included). Travel west along Stancombe Road (47, 16 and above included) to Chapel Road. Travel south along the centre of Chapel Road, west on Ormiston Road to Te Irirangi Drive, and north along the centre of Te Irirangi Drive, back to the starting point.

Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.

Out of Zone Enrolments

The Board of Trustees will determine the number of places, if any, which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The Board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.

Applications for enrolments will be processed in the following order of priority:

  • First Priority: This priority category is not applicable at this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary.
  • Second Priority: must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
  • Third Priority: must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
  • Fourth Priority: must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
  • Fifth Priority: must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
  • Sixth Priority: must be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.

Applicants seeking second or third priority status will be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.

School Zone Map

Enrolment Information

Mission Heights Junior College is open for students in Years 7 to 10. MHJC will not enroll students under the age of 10 years.

An Information Evening for prospective students enrolling for 2025 will be held on Wednesday 7th August from 6:00pm to 7:15pm. This will be a good opportunity to meet the principal, members of staff and students and go on a tour of the school.


In zone students can enrol by following the link to our 2 stage enrolment form below. Before you begin the enrolment process, please ensure you have digital copies of the documents below ready. Please note that we cannot accept an enrolment without these documents.

If you do not receive an email link to your email when using the online enrolment form, please check your spam box. If you have any enquiries, please contact us at please note we cannot answer technical queries at this email address.

Technical Problems when Enrolling

Most technical difficulties experienced when trying to enrol online can be solved by simply following the steps below;

Documents Required when Enrolling at MHJC

  • Student’s birth certificate
  • Student’s passport for proof of citizenship
  • If resident or non-resident, a valid student or resident visa. Parent visas in this case are also required.
  • School report if your previous school was not Baverstock Oaks School or Mission Heights Primary School
  • Signed copy of the Parent Cybersafety Agreement form
  • Student’s immunisation certificates (including Covid vaccination if applicable)
  • Legal custody parenting order (if applicable)

For homeowners :-

  • Proof of your address #1 : Sales and Purchase Agreement. We also accept Auckland Council rates bills or Watercare bills.
  • Proof of your address #2 : Electricity bill, House, contents or car insurance policy that is current with your name and address)

For people who are renting in-zone :-

  • Proof of your address #1 : Tenancy Agreement which must be valid for the period of 12 months from the first day the student commences school at MHJC and it must be a council approved rateable dwelling of which your family are the occupants. Boarding, flatting and homestays are not permitted.
  • Proof of your address #2 : Tenancy Services Bond Lodgment Receipt from the Department of building and housing
  • Proof of your address #3 : Electricity bill, House, contents or car insurance policy that is current with your name and address

For parents living with family in-zone :-

  • Statutory declaration form . With this form, we require the following :-
    • either the Rental Agreement or Sales & Purchase Agreement of the property owner
    • or a signed shared rental agreement if applicable
    • a current electricity bill of the property at that address
    • a bill or letter addressed to the parent at that address

Please note that we do not accept bank statements or handphone bills. We can request further documents if the above are not satisfied.

JPG, PDF, PNG or DOC file types are accepted.


Please note that there might be a limited number of spaces for out of zone students of siblings who are currently enrolled at MHJC. Please register your interest using this Google Form.

Applications are now closed.

Closing date for applications: 3pm, Tuesday 15 October 2024

Ballot date: Tuesday 22 October 2024

Notifications to parents will be sent on or before Wednesday 30 October 2024

Priority Category

Priority 1-  applicant is part of a special programme (not applicable for MHJC)
Priority 2 – applicant is the sibling of a current student of the school
Priority 3 – applicant is the sibling of a former student of the school
Priority 4 – applicant is the child of a former student of the school
Priority 5 – applicant is either a child of an employee of the school or a child of a member of the Board of Trustees of the school
Priority 6 – applicant belongs to none of the above

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at .