Category Archives: School News

Panmure Lagoon Splash Days

To start off Term 1 and create lasting relationships, a number of Whānau have spent ‘Splash Days’ at the Panmure Lagoon Pools.
Here, students have been able to practice their swimming skills, participate in manu competitions, and get to know their peers and teachers in a different environment.
We hope students and staff in Wai, Ngahere, and Maunga Whānau enjoyed their days out.

Takutai Whānau is off to Omaha Beach today for their day out.

Maunga Whānau Celebrates the Lantern Festival

Maunga Whānau celebrated 元宵節 the Lantern Festival or Chap Goh Mei on Wednesday this week.

Maunga Whānau showed amazing spirit in support of this Festival and did so with an incredible whānau picture.

All members of their whānau stood on the field in the below shape for a drone photo, to remember their day of celebration and learning.

蛇 2025


Lantern Festival – wear red Feb 12th!

As Chinese New Year celebrations come to a close, we’d like to mark the occasion with the vibrant and joyous Lantern Festival! This festival, which falls on Wednesday 12th February traditionally signifies the end of the Chinese New Year period.

To celebrate, we invite all students and staff to wear red this Wednesday 12th February. Red is a lucky colour in Chinese culture, symbolising happiness, good fortune, and prosperity. Let’s fill our school with a sea of red as we acknowledge this important cultural celebration.

This is a fun and easy way to show our support for the diverse cultures within our school community. So, dig out your red t-shirts, jumpers or any other red clothing you have!

We look forward to seeing everyone dressed in red on Wednesday!

Week 3 Sports Notices

With school underway, a number of sport seasons are about to begin. Please see the sport notices for Week 3 below.

Monday 10th February – Senior Girls Netball Trial 1 (Y9&10) – lunchtime – Gym

Tuesday 11th February – Senior Boys Basketball Trials (Y9&10) – 3:00-4:20 pm – Gym

Wednesday 12th February – Orienteering sign up meeting (all years) – morning tea in W2

Week 2 Reminders

Please see the below reminder for later this week.

𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢 𝐃𝐚𝐲 – 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲
MHJC will be closed.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐲 – 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲
MHJC will be closed. This is a planning day for teachers.

Welcome to Week 2!

On Friday, we officially welcomed Year 7 students, new students, and new staff to the college with a pōwhiri.
Thank you to all whānau who attended.
We look forward to getting into teaching and learning this week.

Principal’s Memo

Kia ora koutou.

Welcome to another exciting year at MHJC and Happy New Year to our Asian community.

I extend a particularly warm welcome on behalf of our staff to whānau of students who are new to the college and trust that you enjoy a positive experience of our kura.

Some important messages follow which will help us to achieve our collective goals:

Government targets – Literacy and numeracy

We are well positioned to achieve the goal of 80% of our students being at or above curriculum level by the end of Year 8 in reading, writing and numeracy. To help us achieve the goal, we have modified the timetable to allow for one session a week for literacy and one for numeracy in Years 7 and 8, and one extra session for literacy in Years 9 and 10. This is over and above our normal subject specific teaching in all year levels of three hours a week in English and Mathematics.


While our data is better than average based on MoE reports, we wish to improve particularly in the following areas:

  • Many students fall below the 90% attendance target because they are away on, or leave early on Fridays, particularly on the last day of term. Please note that we close early on that day so that whānau can miss the heavy traffic if they are travelling.
  • Similarly, overseas holidays during term time affect the data and this is an avoidable factor compared to students being genuinely ill. I repeat that the school may not approve such “leave” and urge whānau to plan holidays outside term time.


We are expecting a visit from the Education Review Office in Term 2.

Fiji outreach project

More information will be publicised about a new outreach project we have planned for the July holidays to Fiji. This aligns with our cornerstone of leadership through service and our school value of awhinatanga. Senior students will be invited to apply for this exciting activity which will include working to support a local school, orphanage and old age home.

Principal’s sabbatical

As part of our collective agreement with the Ministry of Education, I have been fortunate to have been granted a sabbatical and so will be away from school from Week 6 to the end of term 1. Mr Naidoo will be Acting Principal in my absence.

Board elections

Please start to consider whether you would like to stand for election to the Board as a parent representative (5). This is a long term commitment of three years with elections being held in September.

Thank you for your ongoing support. I look forward to meeting you at some time during the year and wish everyone all the best for a positive and enjoyable year of Growing Greatness.

Kia mana ake!

Ian Morrison
