School Board Elections begin with nominations from Friday 15th July for electing board members for the next three years. A call for nominations will be issued via email on or about 15th July. This will contain a link to a nomination form. Before this, please update contact details of both caregivers using our Portal – as email addresses and mobile numbers are used by MySchoolElection.
Category Archives: School News
SEZ Intermediate Gymnastics Competition
Last week, two students competed at the SEZ Intermediate Gymnastics Competition. Congratulations to the following two students who excelled in their area of specialisation.
Corey Reed (7C1) – Men’s Artistic Junior Advanced (Level 4 and 5) – 2nd place
Paige Roberts (7C1) – Women’s Artistic Junior (Step 3 and 4) – 1st place
Both Corey and Paige have qualified through to the Champion of Champions Intermediate Competition in mid-August.
Table Tennis Success
A big congratulations to Tushan Engineer (8W1) who placed 1st in the South Eastern Zone Table Tennis Tournament held on Friday 17th June at Somerville Intermediate School.
His coach is Patrick Low. Patrick has been part of our DEEP coaching programme for years, and is an external coach from the Auckland Table Tennis Association. We thank you Patrick for your commitment to MHJC.
Lockdown practice today Monday 27 June
Informing the community of a practice today as part of our Health and Safety procedures.
Matariki Celebrations
In celebration of our first Matariki public holiday, MHJC had a week full of fun and exciting activities to commemorate the different reasons of celebrating Matariki.
For Māori, Matariki signals the beginning of the Māori New Year and signifies a time to gather, reflect and remember those who are no longer with us, celebrate the present, and plan for the future.
The week started off with tree planting, quizzes were also organised, as was story telling/sharing in the library with the support of an art exhibition. The week ended with kite flying and traditional Māori games, and finished by coming together as a whānau while watching our Kapa Haka students perform.
Mānawatia a Matariki!
Krishnan’s Dairy – Senior Drama Trip
Year 9 and 10 drama students headed into the city today to watch “Krishnan’s Dairy” – a play by the Indian Ink Theatre Company. Students enjoyed seeing how one actor can play many different characters just by using different drama techniques and simple plaster masks.
Auckland Secondary School Gymnastics
Congratulations to the below students who competed in the Auckland Secondary School Gymnastics competition last week. An amazing effort from all of you! Well done!
Neil Mathew (8M2) – D Grade Men’s Artistic 1st place
Alex Reed (10C1) – A Grade Men’s Artistic 4th place
Paige Roberts (7C1) – STEP 4 Women’s Artistic Gymnastics – 1st place
Christabelle Tan (8W1) – STEP 5 Women’s Artistic Gymnastics 8th place
Kayla Roberts (10C2) – STEP 6 Women’s artistic Gymnastics 7th place
SEZ Girls Hockey
Matariki Planting Update – Video
For the past week, MHJC, MHP, and KiNZ students have been working to complete our Matariki planting around the bike track. This video shows early progress, including work done on the Teacher Only Day on June 7th. More photos to come shortly.
Microsoft Global Imagine Cup Junior AI
Congratulations to Nataliya Langi (9W1), Hannah Schaaf (9W1) and Salote Lavemai (9W2), who made up the team Techsteins, for their awesome concept #Hifriend. Great effort in achieving amongst the Top 10 (in over 450 submissions) Winners of the Microsoft Global Imagine Cup Junior AI for Good Challenge at the Australian and NewZealand Regional Awards.
Microsoft runs a programme to get a community of students aged 13-18 years together to learn about technology and how it can be used to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems. It’s an introduction into AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning and cybersecurity.
Their #Hifriend concept is an AI-powered app that aims to target mental health and depression by decreasing these statistics among New Zealand youth through empowering them to build their confidence to engage with other people.
Congratulations ladies! Well done.