Welcome Year 7 students!
This morning, Year 7 students were welcomed by staff and Year 10 leaders at a “Welcome to MHJC” assembly outside on Kapua. We are very excited for the 2022 school year and for all students to be on-site from tomorrow.
Category Archives: School News
Happy Chinese New Year
Auckland Anniversary Day
Harko Brown – Staff Professional Learning
Welcome Back!
We look forward to welcoming back students from next week. Please see start dates.
An important email was sent home this afternoon (Friday) about Admin Day. Parents/Caregivers are asked to make appointments with their child’s Learning Advisor via instructions on the email. Returning students will meet their Learning Advisor via a GoogleMEET appointment on Admin Day. Only Year 7 students, and other new students, can make appointments to meet in person at school.
If you have any questions about the start of the year, please contact:
Coast/Takutai Whānau – coast-studentservices@mhjc.school.nz
Forest/Ngahere Whānau – forest-studentservices@mhjc.school.nz
Water/Wai Whānau – water-studentservices@mhjc.school.nz
Mountains/Maunga Whānau – mountains-studentservices@mhjc.school.nz
Omicron update
Senior Leaders are working towards welcoming everyone back next week with a focus on “connection” particularly with our newly enrolled students.
An email will be sent later this week giving more information about the start of school following the “Red traffic light” settings announced yesterday.
Plans are already in place to ensure that students and staff will be safe and we encourage parents to consider Ministry of Health advice about getting their children vaccinated ahead of school opening.
Year 10s and School Leavers
Parents of Year 10 students and school leavers, who are not currently at school, may collect packs at the dates and times below. Packs include Yearbook, photographs, certificates, and other items to be taken home if students are not returning. More information will be shared by your Whānau Leaders nearer the time about the Health and Safety Guidelines for this process. Please enter on the Jeffs Road side of the school.
Year 7, 8 and 9 students who are retuning to MHJC in 2022 will get their packs in the new year.
Prizegiving Youtube Premiere
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, prizegiving this year will look at little different. Each prizegiving will be broadcast via Youtube, these links will only work from the date and time each specific prizegiving starts.
Year 7 Prizegiving, available from December 15, 10:00am: https://youtu.be/Pilhy_xz8f4
Year 8 Prizegiving, available from December 15, 10:00am: https://youtu.be/ogvQ9WTnRCQ
Year 9 Prizegiving, available from December 14, 10:00am: https://youtu.be/RxEFpoG9sWA
Year 10 Graduation and Prizegiving, available from December 14, 12:00pm: https://youtu.be/VnCCI7o8w2w
Last Week of School
A reminder of dates / times for the final week of school.
New Covid-19 Protection Framework (CPF) or “traffic light system”.
To avoid any confusion this announcement may cause, next week and until the end of the school year, MHJC will continue to offer students the same distance learning opportunities either on site or at home as we have for the last two weeks.