Category Archives: School News

COVID update at 7 pm 14 Feb:

No school from Monday to Wednesday this week following PM announcement at 7 this evening of move to Alert Level 3.
Only children of essential workers may be at school. 
Please email Whānau Leaders know if supervision is needed – all other students are to be supervised at home. 
Hopefully we will be able to return on Thursday.
Students can complete work started last week, go on to digital platforms or work on their e-passports and Great Learner Progressions.
Most importantly stay at home and follow the guidelines we have posted before about staying safe.
Refer to updates on:
Nga mihi 

Welcome back!

Kia ora

Just a brief welcome message from me to our new and returning staff and students. I trust this year will be a fulfilling one for you all as you continue your journey of growing your greatness.

Hopefully we will be able to follow a normal start up to the year with Admin Day on Tuesday 2nd February. Should the lockdown levels change, owing to COVID, I will inform you as soon as possible by email, web site and facebook.

This message from the Ministry of Education is particularly relevant as we must remain vigilant and follow the regular reminders we received last year:

We continue to have a large amount of control over how we can prevent the spread of COVID.

For our school we will:

display QR code posters for the NZ COVID Tracer App

keep our visitor register, attendance register and timetables up to date

be monitoring for illness and asking anyone who is unwell to remain at home, or to go home

encourage people with relevant symptoms to seek medical advice through Health Line or their GP and get tested for COVID if recommended to do so

reinforce the importance of good hand washing and drying

reinforce good cough and sneeze etiquette

we will continue to regularly clean all parts of our school.

Best wishes to you all.

Nga mihi

Ian Morrison


Sad news

We regret to inform the community of the passing of Veena Vohra, foundation Principal of Mission Heights Primary School after a serious illness. Mrs Vohra was instrumental in establishing the unique shared vision of our two schools and we send our thoughts and best wishes to her whānau.
There is a remembrance book in Reception which parents may sign.
Kia kaha

Update: 24 August.

Following the PM announcement today we are in preparation for a lifting to Level 2 and thus staff and students returning to school on Monday 31 August.
I expect further guidelines to be sent to me from the MoE which will ensure the safety of our community while we continue with as normal a programme as possible and these will be emailed ASAP.