An action packed day for 10 of our Year 9 and 10 students at the Counties Manukau Athletics meet. Students took part in various track and field events at Massey Park in Papakura. What a great day with amazing athletes!
Category Archives: School News
Best wishes Team New Zealand!
MHJC is looking forward to hosting a Hui/Fono on Wednesday 17 March from 6-7pm in the school staffroom. We will also be discussing the possibility of a new parent/family committee. Food will be provided.
Mountains and Water Whānau Camps
Mountains Whānau and Water Whānau Year 7 camps began today at Camp Adair. Year 7 students and their Year 10 leaders will be participating in 3 days of team building activities. Here are Water Whānau students enjoying Day 1.
This month on SchoolTV – Raising Girls
Raising girls in today’s modern world can be a difficult path for parents and carers to navigate. These days, girls are transitioning to puberty a lot earlier than they used to and the physical, psychological and emotional changes they experience are challenging.
Some parents and carers may feel uncertain about how best to support their daughter through the ups and downs of adolescence and how to keep the lines of communication open. With the rise of social media and technology, mental health difficulties in girls are increasing as often they are faced with online images that make it difficult to see themselves as acceptable. Ensuring a daughter’s opinions are heard and her views listened to, will go a long way towards making her feel loved and supported as she tries to establish her own identity.
In this edition of SchoolTV, adult carers will attain a clearer picture of what girls are wanting from their adult carers and how best to support them through adolescence. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to this month’s edition
COVID update 5 March
COVID update 28 Feb 2021
Following the PM announcement that Auckland is at alert level 3 for the week starting Monday 1 March, please note that, as before, the school is closed until further notice except for students of parents of “essential” services. If your child/ren need/s supervision at school please notify the relevant Whānau Leader before 5 pm today so arrangements can be made.
These students are to report directly to the library and have lunch, charged device and other learning equipment with them. Masks are recommended but not compulsory.
The rest of the school will kick into distance learning and further information will be sent to students via the Whānau Leaders.
While this is frustrating it is necessary and we thank you once again for your patience and support.
Kia kaha
Ian Morrison