Category Archives: School News

Saniya Wins 3rd @ BrightSparks

The winners of the Skills Bright Sparks competition for 2019 were announced at the Auckland awards ceremony at Datacomon yesterday. We were delighted to learn that Year 8 student Saniya Lal won third place overall in the junior division of the competition. Congratulations, Saniya! 

Ian Morrison Speaks at Buddhist Temple

Following the March 15 tragedy, it was decided to hold a community event bringing together people of all faiths and cultures. MHJC students also performed at the event attended by many community and religious leaders. Principal, Ian Morrison was given the privilege of addressing the large audience on the outdoor stage to reinforce our close connection with the temple and our commitment to promoting kindness and compassion through our value of awhinatanga. 💛

Photo credit: Genée Crowley

Leaders Inspire Students at Pathways Panel

Three inspirational leaders, Dillon Boucher, Chlöe Swarbrick and Melissa Gardi were invited to MHJC to hold a panel discussion as a part of Ngahere Whānau’s (Forest) Yr 9 ‘Leading into the Future’ and Yr 10 ‘Future Pathways’ learning contexts, yesterday. Student’s gained an enthralling insight into the contrasting worlds of professional sport, business, entrepreneurship, tertiary study, Hollywood celebrity culture, not-for-profit organisations and New Zealand politics. However, it was soon evident that a high degree of commonality was shared between the three personal narratives: a strong commitment to personal values, resilience through adversity, passion and initiative to create opportunities, strong relationships, hard work and sheer dogged determination to pursue careers that are authentic, meaningful and fulfilling. Students and staff commented, “…we have just experienced something very special and truly inspiring!” Thank you to Mrs Selagan for coordinating the pathways event.

MHJC teachers leading learning

One of our strategic goals is to attract, retain and develop high quality teachers and support staff. Part of this goal is achieved through our professional development plan. All our teachers are involved in “inquiry” projects of their own as part of our professional development programme. Every year we identify areas of our teaching or leadership that we wish to improve, strengthen or investigate and experts from within the staff or external providers support teachers to grow their practice. We also host a number of schools who are interested in how we deliver the curriculum, our focus on personalised learning and our DEEP programme in particular.


During the October holidays several teachers presented at educational conferences. Their time and efforts are appreciated as they have helped to reinforce our place at the forefront of innovative educational research and practice. 


Ms Lambert has led a team of MHJC teachers for almost two years with resourcing from the ministry which has investigated how to strengthen collaborative practice among teachers. The positive findings of this research will help us to continue with our integrated approach to learning which allows students to see links between learning areas and develop authentic outcomes which are relevant to them, particularly with regards numeracy. She and Ms Grant, one of the team, presented their findings at U-Learn, other members of the team, Mr Hishey and Mrs Premdeep presented at the New Zealand Mathematics Association and Mrs Phadke will be presenting later this term at the Statistics Teachers’ Day at the University of Auckland.


Mr Choong also presented at U-Learn with the support of some of our students. His focus was the integration of STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) into the general curriculum and Mrs Newbold presented ‘Learning through the Arts’ at a Literacy Conference in Christchurch. STEM and creativity are both focus areas for the school. 


The professional development of our staff and willingness to share our learning journey individually and collectively show that we are committed to our vision of “growing greatness through innovative, constantly evolving personalised learning”.


Growing greatness – Kia mana ake!



Ashvin and Arvinth’s Success at the Halberg Games

MHJC is extremely proud to share Ashvin and Arvinth Sathy’s achievements at the 2019 Halberg Games, which were held from the 11th – 13th October, at Kings College, Otahuhu. The boys had a great time on the track with their wheelchair racing events and gained strong results in both Boccia and Table Tennis.
Ashvin participated in a thrilling Boccia final, winning the Boccia trophy. Arvinth managed to defeat Ashvin to win the trophy for Table Tennis – this too was a thrilling final!
The boys enjoyed the opportunity to meet Grant Elliot and worked on their ‘catching practice’ whilst chatting with him. Ashvin and Arvinth also met the ‘Sports and Recreation Minister’, Grant Robertson and Para Olympian medalists at the Opening Ceremony. MHJC staff member Matua Brent witnessed the boys in action and remarked, “Ashvin and Arvinth were like the ‘All Blacks’ of the Halberg Games!”


MHJC Strengthens use of Māori Language

This year MHJC has challenged all ākonga to get involved with Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. Matua Brent has shared many wonderful resources and encouraged learners to develop pepeha + use te reo in and around the kura to fill our basket of knowledge. 
Students have also participated in the Education Perfect New Zealand ‘Te Reo Maori Language Competition’ this week. 
‘Kia kaha te reo Māori’ MHJC – Let’s make the Māori language strong!’

Measles Outbreak in Auckland

As advised in the media, the measles outbreak appears to be rapidly spreading in Auckland.
At this stage, we have NOT had any reported case of measles at the school.

1. If your child is showing symptoms of measles please keep them at home.
2. If your child has been diagnosed with measles please notify the school immediately and keep them at home.
3. We strongly advise you to immunise your child at the earliest possible opportunity – the vaccine is available free from your GP.
4. If there is a reported case at MHJC we may require proof of immunisation so please have your documentation available should this be the case.

Thanking you for your support.







MHJC Students Football Selection!

Four MHJC students have been selected for an official Ricki Herbert Football Academy International tour. The boys will travel to China on August 8th as part of the U14 squad, taking part in the Gothia Cup.

The Gothia Cup was first held in 1975. Over a million players from a total of 143 countries have participated in the tournament. In 2007, FIFA named it the “World Youth Cup” and it aims to create a meeting place for the young players of the world no matter religion, colour or nationality.

From left: Abhinay Kumar, Arnav Naiker, Saurav Chand, Zain Ismail.