Category Archives: School News

2017 Careers Expo

Last night careers advisor Mrs Ulika Singh and MHJC students attended the annual ‘Careers Expo’ at Ormiston Senior College. The event was a huge success with many institutions from throughout New Zealand showcasing numerous degree and vocational pathways, scholarship opportunities as well as unique business enterprises.
The key presentations from Auckland University and the Manukau Institute of Technology were particularly useful, as they outlined NCEA subjects and points required for entry into courses offered.  It was particularly exciting for MHJC students to interact with OSC students and staff, whom offered advice and support with learning opportunities when they venture into senior college.

Young Leaders Convention, Singapore

Members of MHJC’s Executive Council are truly globally connected learners, having travelled to the Hwa Chong Institution in Singapore to contribute to the 22nd Young Leaders Convention.
Solana Carpenter, Camryn Chetty, Eugene Chua, Chenae Korewha, Duncan Lane and Jamini Patel departed from New Zealand in the early hours of Sunday morning, accompanied by Mr Morrison and Mrs Hewlett. The group have already enjoyed a day at Universal Studios on Sentosa Island and ‘ice-breaker’ challenges with students from a host of other countries. We look forward to sharing additional photos and updates, as they come through…

2017 Festival of Cultural Sharing & Diversity

Year 7 students from Mission Heights Junior College participated in the 2017 ‘3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing’ hosted by the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple on Friday 19th May.
During this visit students were challenged to “do good deeds, think good thoughts and say kind words” to others through a range of activities and interactive presentations. Once back at school, students reflected upon their temple visit and wrote about the application of 3G4G in their own lives.
On Saturday MHJC students Cathy Shipway, Ishaan Shukla and Mehar Kaur were presented with prizes for first, second and third place, respectively.  Also, Chrezylhyn Ortega, Jasmine Strong and Abby McGarva received merit prizes. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to MHJC’s organising teacher, Mrs Rajesh Joshi.

2017 Wearable Arts Show

Congratulations to MHJC students who participated in the ‘2017 Winter Wonderland Wearable Arts Show’ that was held at BDSC on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th May. We would like to acknowledge the remarkable efforts of the designers and models who participated in this event. Our sincere thanks to MHJC’s visual arts teacher Liz Hanna-Latham for helping students to realise their creations, from the page to the stage!



Safe Schools Week

‘Safe Schools Week’ is a time of the year that students reflect upon the way they think, speak and act towards other students, to ensure that school is a place where everyone feels valued and protected. On Friday 26th June staff and students celebrated ‘Pink Shirt Day’ activities, to help strengthen MHJC’s culture of tolerance, respect and understanding towards others.

Mrs Gao’s Chinese Teachers Scholarship to Beijing

Mandarin Teacher Mrs Gao has returned from Beijing after her three weeks of study at the Beijing Language and Culture University. Mrs Gao earned the Chinese Teachers Scholarship to Beijing for 2017, during which she gained the opportunity to attend lectures by language experts from the BLCU and observe best practice in teaching Chinese. Mrs Gao has brought back many exciting ideas and resources that she will use in her Mandarin classes at MHJC.

MHJC Netballers Win Gold

MHJC entered the Yr 7 & 8 AIMS development team into an inter-school netball tournament in Papakura today.  We are delighted to report that the team had an outstanding day on the court, winning all matches throughout the day and bringing home the gold medal for their ‘mixed’ section.

Team Members were:
Ricky Bassano, Zain Ismail, Sophia Lafaiali’i, Janke Maritz, Kyla Murdoch, Marion Aimee Petelo, Jo’res Taramai-Remo, Brooklyn-Rose Timu, Shalom Toilalo and Cyrus Tuhaka

Yr 10 student, Tiana Herewini provided GREAT leadership to the team throughout the day, supported by staff members Olivia Young and Laetitia Jansen Van Rensburg.

Cathy’s Art Published in ToiToi Magazine

Year 7 student, Cathy Shipway is now a published artist, with her digital artwork (shown below) being published in the Toitoi magazine recently.
The four illustrations were some of the first “100% digital” art that Cathy created, using a simple drawing tablet that her family had given her for Christmas. This was also the first time that the Toitoi magazine had a contributor submit digitally painted artworks. Cathy used the Firealpaca free drawing software and learned digital drawing techniques by studying videos on Youtube from other Internet artists.
Baverstock Oaks Primary teacher, Mr. Gibbs recognised Cathy’s artistic talents and submitted a selection of her work to learn whether she would be eligible to illustrate one of the stories for the Toitoi magazine. Cathy was thrilled to learn that she had been accepted as an illustrator for the publication.
‘Bent Luck’ is story about a disastrous skiing trip in Queenstown, where a bent ski pole signals the start to a series of challenging experiences on the slopes. This story was a particularly good match for Cathy, as the previous winter her family had visited the ski fields in the story and had taken a ride on the chairlift – so Cathy had already seen and experienced the subject matter herself.
Cathy admits that at first she had intended to use watercolours, however after further consideration she decided to use her digital tablet to produce the four art works. First Cathy sketched the picture concepts, then blocked in the colours on the sketches. Next, she refined the painting and added highlights and details.
Cathy has found this to be a GREAT experience and next time hopes to be a published author-illustrator!