We are currently gathering feedback on the Health Programme at Mission Heights Junior College. This is a requirement of all New Zealand schools – to consult with our communities about the delivery of health programmes. Whānau are welcome to view this page to discover how health is delivered at MHJC and provide feedback to the school through the Google Form at the bottom of the page.
Te Whare Tapa Whā
All of our health programmes are underpinned by Te Whare Tapa Whā. This model of hauora was developed by Sir Mason Durie in 1984, and is used widely today across health education in New Zealand.

New Zealand Curriculum Achievement Objectives
Our Health Programme is also driven by the Achievement Objectives that are outlined in the current New Zealand Curriculum document. Below, we have tabled the Achievement Objectives that are delivered in Level 4 Junior Health (Years 7 and 8) and Level 5 Senior Health (Years 9 and 10).

As detailed from the Achievement Objectives above, our health programme is delivered at a Year 7 and 8 level (curriculum Level 4), and then differently to our Year 9 and 10s (curriculum Level 5). Please read below the breakdown of topics at Levels 4 and Levels 5 of the curriculum.
Junior Health Programme – Years 7 and 8
Our Junior Health programme is delivered by a students’ Physical Education and Health Teacher. Health sessions are scheduled once a week as part of our 3 hour weekly PEH core curriculum.

Senior Health Programme – Years 9 and 10
Our Senior Health programme is delivered in the same way as our Junior programme – by a students’ Physical Education and Health Teacher, for one hour a week as part of our PEH core curriculum.

Whānau Feedback
Please complete the below Google Form if you wish to provide feedback on the above programme/s.