Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year!

2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, specifically the Water Rabbit. The Chinese New Year starts on January 22nd and lasts until February 9th, 2024.

Recent years of the Rabbit have been 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, and 2011, with the next in 2035.

The Year of the Rabbit 兔年 symbolises longevity, positivity, auspiciousness, wittiness, cautiousness, cleverness, deftness and self-protection.

Prize Giving/Graduation

Details of these events are as follows:

• Year 10: Please note that Year 10 students will be dismissed from school at 11am on Monday 5th December. Graduation/Prize Giving starts at 5.30pm on Monday 5th December, in the gym. Students are to report to their own Whānau at 4:45pm.

• Year 9: Prize Giving starts at 9:30am on Tuesday 6th December, in the gym. Year 9 students are dismissed at the end of their Prize Giving.

• Year 8: Prize Giving starts at 9:30am on Wednesday 7th December, in the gym. Year 8 students are dismissed at the end of their Prize Giving.

• Year 7: Prize Giving starts at 9:30am on Thursday 8th December, in the gym. Year 7 students are dismissed at the end of their Prize Giving.

Welcome to Anne Singh, Board Presiding Member

Kia Ora, Talofa Lava, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Ni Hao, Kia Orana, Malo e lelei, Assalamu alaikum and warm universal greetings.

Namulau’ulu Anne Singh

Please welcome our Board Presiding Member Anne Singh also known as Namulau’ulu Anne Singh. Anne is a parent at MHJC and is also on the Mission Heights Primary Board of Trustees with a portfolio in property as well as Maori and Pasifika Representative. Anne has a teaching background, with 14 years in the ECE sector including managerial and; Health and Safety experience.  She is an ambassador of white ribbon and peace; and is also a Justice of the Peace.  Anne volunteers immensely within our community.  She is multi-lingual, speaking Samoan, Punjabi, Hindi,  English and Sign Language.

We look forward to working alongside Anne Singh and our new Trustees of skilled professionals in their respective fields.

Year 10 Study Leave Day

Please see email that went home today.

A reminder that Year 9 and 10 students will be sitting Common Assessment Tasks in Term 4, Week 5 – Monday 14th November to Friday 18th November.

To support our Year 10s to develop independent study, Year 10s will have a study leave day on Friday 11th November. They are to be at home preparing for CATs on that day.

Normal timetables will run when the students are not doing Common Assessment Tasks.

Whole Day Experience

MHJC would like to invite all new students who are enrolled at Mission Heights Junior College in 2023 to attend a ‘Whole Day Experience’ on Friday 11th November 2022!

Students should meet in the MHJC Theatre by 9:05am.

Students need to wear comfortable mufti that is suitable for sport and bring a school bag, lunch box, water bottle, and a pencil case for the visit. Computers/devices will not be required.

Students from Mission Heights Primary will be dismissed to return to their own classrooms and Baverstock Oaks students will travel (return) by chartered bus. Students from all other schools should be collected from the Mission Heights Library by parents between 2:10pm – 3:15pm.

We look forward to seeing you!

Cans Drive

Mission Heights Junior College is holding an inter Whānau cans drive to collect cans for the Auckland City Mission foodbank.

Support can come in the way of a donation of 2 x cans or other food items, to be handed in to your lower Whānau Thursday or Friday this week. This will help to make a difference to vulnerable families and individuals in our community, if you are able to do so.

We will be dropping our donations to the City Mission on Friday afternoon.

Thank you for your continued support.

MHJC Athletics Day

On Friday, students and staff travelled down to Massey Park in Papakura for the annual Athletics Day. As always, it was a fantastic showing of Whānau spirit and athletic pursuits. Well done to Forest Whānau on placing first! 🥇

TOM in Australia

Our Tournament of Minds Team traveled to Australia during the school holidays. The students competed in Canberra from the 13th to 17th October at the Tournament of Minds International Competition.

The students presented a solution to a 3 hr challenge which required them to come up with a new celebration that would unite the country. They then had to present this solution in 10 minutes as a dramatic performance. The challenge also included a spontaneous challenge where they had 4 minutes to unpack a question and provide a solution.

Our students did very well but there could be only 2 winners out of the 80 teams that were there.

We would like to acknowledge the support of our wider community in helping our team attend this competition. Without your generous contributions this opportunity would not have been possible.

The home of Mission Heights Junior College, Auckland, New Zealand