This Wednesday was MHJC’s annual Cross Country Day, also an inter-whānau competition. The weather was perfect for running and all students represented their Whānau extremely well. Well done to all students who participated and all staff who made the afternoon possible. A huge congratulations to Forest/Ngahere Whānau for winning the overall competition!
Ormiston Senior College – Open Evening
A notice to our community about Ormiston Senior College’s Open Evening. This night will be held on Wednesday 27th July (Week 1 of Term 3) and is intended for Year 10 students attending OSC next year. MHJC students and families are asked to attend from 7pm – 8.30pm if possible.
Production Sponsor

End of Term – Friday 8th July – 1pm
A reminder to our community that Term ends this Friday 8th July at 1pm. We wish everyone a safe and relaxing break.
School Outreach DEEP
Our School Outreach DEEP has worked hard this term to support an external organisation. The class decided to support the SPCA who work to provide a safe haven for animals in need. The class raised contributions of essentials, food supplies, and toys to support this cause. The class would like to thank students and staff who supported their endeavours this term.
School Board Elections
School Board Elections begin with nominations from Friday 15th July for electing board members for the next three years. A call for nominations will be issued via email on or about 15th July. This will contain a link to a nomination form. Before this, please update contact details of both caregivers using our Portal – as email addresses and mobile numbers are used by MySchoolElection.
SEZ Intermediate Gymnastics Competition

Table Tennis Success

Lockdown practice today Monday 27 June
Informing the community of a practice today as part of our Health and Safety procedures.
Matariki Celebrations