Government announcements regarding literacy and numeracy achievement targets:

Kia ora koutou

There has been much in the media recently about national numeracy and literacy achievement levels.

While we believe in a holistic approach to measuring student success, MHJC has always placed a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy and has well established processes to ensure we maintain high standards, progress and achievement. 

These include:

  • specialist classroom teaching from Year 7; 
  • regular testing using e-asTTle to measure progress and achievement; 
  • clear homework expectations using Reading Plus and Maths Buddy and
  • identification and support for students who have gaps in their learning through the DEEP programme..

I wish to reassure the community that our collective efforts have resulted in achievement data that is not far away from the targets set by the government – that 80% of all Year 8 students will achieve at or above curriculum level by December 2030.

Year 8 end of year data for 2023 was as follows:

Mathematics: 72%

Reading: 74%

Our mid year data also shows we are well on course to reach our targets as well as those set by the government.

Thank you for your support at home supporting our expectations regarding homework completion which is crucial for our students’ success.

Nga mihi

Ian Morrison


We Love Tutoring – Production Sponsor

MHJC is thrilled to present the upcoming performance of ‘Shrek The Musical’, with the first performance on Friday 30th August.

With this, we would like to re-introduce one of our key sponsors . . .

𝐖𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 is a local tutoring service that can help students achieve. Maria is committed to students’ success and is available to contact below to set up tutoring services for local children.

Daffodil Day

The Executive Council would like staff and students to join them on Thursday 8th August for Daffodil Day, an initiative to support cancer research and care.

Show your support by wearing yellow and donating a gold coin. Every donation counts towards making a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

Science Fair

Kei runga noa atu (outstanding work) to all our ākonga who have worked really hard on their Science Fair projects!
We had over 50 projects turned in for the school Science Fair competition with quite a few winners in both the science and technology criteria. They now qualify and will be moving on to the regional finals held in September.
Congratulations to the winners and all students who took part.

Shrek The Musical – tickets on sale!

MHJC is happy to announce the 2024 Production of ‘Shrek The Musical’. 🎼

Students and staff have been working hard on this show and are looking forward to welcoming the community to the upcoming performances.

The show dates are:

Friday 30th August – 7pm
Saturday 31st August – 5pm
Thursday 5th September – 7pm
Friday 6th September – 7pm
Saturday 7th September – 5pm

Ticket prices are:

Students $10
Adults $20
Family $55 (2x students, 2x adults)

Tickets sales will begin Tuesday 30th July (Student Led Conference Day) at Reception from 8.30am-3pm. If you wish to secure your ticket while at school on Tuesday, please pay with cash at reception, as there is limited online bank transfer sales available.
From Wednesday 31st July onwards, tickets can be purchased by students outside of Forest Whānau at morning tea. Door sales are also available on show nights.

Helmet Safety

A message to our community about wearing helmets.

Please be reminded that anyone riding a bicycle or scooter must wear a helmet when on-site at MHJC. This applies before, during, and after school.
In addition, there is concern about students who are riding e-scooters to and from school without helmets. These scooters can reach high speeds and therefore cause serious injury if students fall, so we please ask that students riding these also wear helmets.

Lastly, please ride all scooters and bicycles on the bike track after school, not around our school site.

We appreciate the support from our community regarding this.

The home of Mission Heights Junior College, Auckland, New Zealand