Rafting at Vector Wero

As a part of their NCEA ‘Adventure in the Outdoors’ learning journey, Year 10 students from Water Whanau followed up a day of climbing at the Extreme Edge Rock Climbing facility yesterday with white water rafting sessions at the Vector Wero Whitewater Park today. The Wero facility is New Zealand’s first and only artificial white water facility. Students and teachers had a magnificent time!  

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Good citizens

As global citizens we are affected by events internationally and I am sure you share my shock at the deaths of 49 people in an Orlando nightclub and then a British politician on the street in her electorate last week.

These events remind us how fortunate we are to be living in a relatively peaceful and tolerant society. We are also reminded to continue to promote respect and tolerance as basic values within our school. The best way to combat violent extremism is to nurture the belief in our young people that differences can be resolved in a peaceful manner and that while we may not always agree with each other, we respect each other’s opinion and right to express it in a peaceful and dignified manner.

It is perhaps timely to also remind everyone of the need to keep open lines of communication so that problems can be solved before they reach a crisis point. We have Learning Advisors, Senior Leaders and Guidance Counsellors to contact if students or parents need support or advice.

My thanks to everyone who, as good citizens have contributed to promoting such a respectful and dignified culture at MHJC.

Growing greatness – Kia mana ake

Morgan’s Cheerleading Success in Hawaii

Morgan Telfer’s Level 5 cheerleading team ‘Flawless’, executed a very clean routine on both days of the Hawaiian Cheer Games recently, narrowly missing out on the gold by 0.5 of a point.  MHJC is very proud of Morgan and her team for bringing home a well-deserved silver medal from an International competition involving 6 other countries. This will hopefully give the squad a good chance of claiming a gold in one of their next National competitions being held in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch over the following months.

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Tough Gal/Guy Challenge

Students from Mountains and Forest Whanau were excited to take part in the  Junior Tough Gal & Guy Challenge recently, as a part of their Term 2 learning contexts. Screen Shot 2016-06-20 at 5.53.39 AM

Glenbrook Steel Mill – Science Field Trip

Year 10 students from Coast Whanau visited the Glenbrook Steel Mill to learn about sustainable practices and energy transformation during each stage of steel production. Students enjoyed talking to the resident chemists, some students operated a spectrophotometer to analyse their steel sample. After lunch they went on a guided tour of their rolling mill. This is where they observed how heated steel was pressed and rolled into metal sheets.
From a careers perspective Coast students observed and learned about different skills/personnel that were making the steel plant a success in New Zealand and worldwide. The tour guides were extremely impressed with our MHJC students!
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Matariki and our new Board of Trustees

Last week we celebrated Matariki, the Maori New Year which symbolises renewal. The school is also experiencing a new era with the election of our new Board of Trustees. We are pleased with the number of parents (11) who stood for election and signalled their desire to contribute to the governance of the school. This indicates a strong community spirit and commitment to the school.

Once again we thank the out-going board for all its efforts. Under the leadership of Alanna Young and more recently Blair Telfer, the school has established a strong reputation as an innovative organisation that strives for and achieves equity and excellence. The school is also in a strong financial position and has sound policies and procedures thanks to a robust programme of self-review.

In short we are well set to work with the new board to enter a new phase and a renewed commitment to the school’s vision of growing greatness – kia mana ake.

Muhammad Ali, growing greatness – kia mana ake

This week sees the passing of another icon. The death of Muhammad Ali came as a shock to many but relief for a family who had witnessed his suffering from poor health since the end of his boxing career. Social commentators and historians are already assessing the impact of this great man both as a boxer and instrument of social change. His life influenced how we view religion, race and conflict and this must be a measure of greatness.

One of Ali’s famous phrases was “I AM THE GREATEST” and I wondered how relevant his statement is to our vision. Not everyone can be the greatest however we can all aspire to be the greatest we can be. I am sure Muhammad Ali will join me in urging everyone in our community to aspire to greatness in whatever field we choose.

The home of Mission Heights Junior College, Auckland, New Zealand