Education Perfect – MHJC World Champions 2015

I had the honour of accepting the trophy on behalf of our students  at the recent launch of the World Series Competition 2016 in Sydney.

It is still amazing to consider the achievement of our great students who worked so hard to win the coveted trophy.

And while I was there, news came through that we had won the Social Studies “leg” of this year’s competition. What a great start and again a compliment to our students who worked during the holidays to achieve this success.

Well done to everyone involved – students, parents and supporters and Ms Hunter for her motivation and organisation.

Mr Morrison Presented with ‘Top School’ Shield in Sydney

Mr Morrison was honoured to be invited to Sydney this week to receive a shield for ‘Top School in the World’ from the Education Perfect 2015 World Series.  At MHJC we believe there is greatness in everyone and our vision statement is ‘…to grow greatness through innovative, constantly evolving personalised learning’. Therefore, our association with Education Perfect is an excellent way to help us fulfill our vision.

Thanks must go to Mrs Joan Middlemiss our foundation principal who in such a short time established a culture of excellence at our school and who with the assistance of the staff helped students to understand what growing greatness means and requires. Also, we must thank and acknowledge Ms Trudy Wigg whose tireless efforts inspired our students to achieve such success in 2015.  We certainly will have a target on our back whilst competing for this year’s World Series title!

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Education Perfect Logo

Education Perfect – We are World Champs! (Social Sciences)

From 26th-28th April, students from MHJC have competed in the first of five World Series competitions with ‘Education Perfect’.  The first competition was Social Sciences and we are delighted to announce that Mission Heights Junior College won the overall Top School Award!  The accolade was achieved by answering over 174,000 questions.  Congratulations to the following who ranked in the Top 20 students worldwide:
9th – Ashlyn Prasad
14th – Asmaa Azba
15th – Katrina Mohammed
20th – Kayan Kermani
Students can still register for Education Perfect at a cost of $30 at the school reception and an email to Miss Hunter    Registration will grant students entrance to the four remaining divisions – Science, Math, Languages and English.
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ANZAC Day parade

Notice for those who will be attending or who are thinking of attending the ANZAC Day Parade at Stockade Hill, Howick on April 25.

The Student Executive Council will be marching with other schools from the area. The parade starts at 10.30 – and it would be great to see families and friends there.

This is part of our vision of “growing greatness” – for our students to make a contribution to our local community and support a national day of remembrance.

2016 Secondary Schools 3X3 National Slam Tournament

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Mission Heights Junior College has enjoyed a strong start to Day 2 of the 2016 Secondary Schools 3X3 National Slam at The Trusts Arena, Waitakere.  The event attracts some of the strongest ‘sharp-shooting’ athletes from around the country.

The boys 3X3 team gained two strong wins over Rosehill and Tamaki Colleges, with the girls win against St Mary’s being followed by a hard-fought loss to a strong Westlake Girls team. Here is an  instructional clip that details the rules of the game…

Teams have been joined by our two fantastic tournament referees, Marco de Costa (10C2)  and Amy Moore (9F1).   Our teams are…

Josh Wang McCarthy (10W2) Captain
Ian Orosio (10W1)
Jordan Johns (10C1)
Anthony Nelson (10W1)
Jeremy Peng (9W2)

Sophia Herewini (10M1) Captain
Tiana Herewini (9M1)
Katelyn Knox (10F1)
Annemeik Vaha’akolo-Ngaika (9F2)
Bianca Langi (9W1)

Scroll down for some clips of our MHJC players in action….

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“Science Outbreak Evening”

On Tuesday 5th April students in 8W1 & 8W2 + staff hosted a family science evening where students applied their science learning, by teaching others.

A range of interactive stations were set up within Water Whanau to promote learning and enjoyment of science – Mrs Kent’s English class even set up a crime scene investigation! The evening successfully showcased science learning across the curriculum and shared information + tips detailing how families can support Term 2 Science Fair investigations.

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Trivia Quiz Winners

Our first ever MHJC Trivia Quiz was a huge success.  Over fifty students and staff from across the school competed in the quiz competition. Questions came from geography, music, books, food and sport categories.  Many groups had strengths in music and most now know they need to brush up on their geography knowledge for future quizzes!
Congratulations to Team Friday for being our first winners of the year!
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Cleaning Up Our Community, One Park at a Time

The Enviro Council has been busy keeping up appearances at the local Mission Heights Reserve.  Through Auckland Council’s ‘Adopt a Park’ programme, students monitor and report on the state of the park.  Here you can see several Enviro Council members collecting rubbish so everyone can enjoy a clean park.  Compared to their Term 1 rubbish collection last year, students collected three fewer bags of rubbish – a positive improvement!
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The home of Mission Heights Junior College, Auckland, New Zealand